What is the most difficult woods race in the Mid-West; I would like to go do a no pressure race that is incredibly hard...... as soon as I get my new bike!
I have never been to the Moose Run, but I have heard that it is the toughest race next to the Black water 100. I would say the hardest race that I have been to is the Greenville enduro. It is long, cold, and muddy. Many times I have seen people give up before the finish.
What is the average DNF percentage for most enduros?
I've only done one, the Loose Moose in Marquette, MI. In that race, 41% DNF overall. Of just the AA/A/B riders, 37% DNF; with C riders it was 55%.
Is this typical? From experienced enduro riders that I spoke with after the race, the Loose Moose was not considered a "survival race", but it was challenging.
I have to say the Moose Run. I have went there for 2 years in a row as a spectator walked some of the trail this year. There are lots of large logs and steep hills. One of sections I came accross had 3 logs laying on top of each other. The pile was about 3 ft high and was at the bottom of this steep hill. I have also heard that there logs as high as 4ft on some parts of the trail. I have raced the saturday races the last two years but plain on racing the Moose Run next season.
Boy, Blackwater was unbelieveable. I went back when Tommy Norton was king there. I loved the mud fleas that dammed up the river the nightr before to MAKE SURE the water was high. Hardest water crossing I've ever attempted.
I would have to agree with Layton, Moose Run is pretty brutal. I always seem to break bike and body there.
The Moose is a very hard event, as every time I have tried it I haven't finished. I would have to say the Moose Run is always hard, even in dry years, but the National Enduro in Ohio this year was the hardest race I have ever been in. It was one of those races that makes you wonder why you ride enduros and if they are truly fun.
the race in ohio was bad for sure this year. only 11 people finished. Any of the southern ohio enduros are really tough, especially if it has rained much before, and it seems like it always has. southern ohio must have one of the highest per year rainfall amounts in the country. I have been going down there for about 10 years, and have probably only raced 3-4 times when it wasn't muddy.
I have heard that at the moose run they dig mud pits, and stack logs to go over with no way around. I would just as soon ride a race where the terrian is provided by mother nature only.
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