Hard to start yz250


May 11, 2005
Hey I just purchased a 2000 yz250 with a 2001 engine and it runs great. It has a brand new top end is a all around good bike. My only problem is I cant start it when its cold!!! :bang: I weigh 130 pounds and can start my friends 99 rm250 no problem. but this bike is just hard to start. Is the problem that i dont weigh enough to give it a strong
enough kick.
Ive had to to pull start it every time it gets and i really hate doing that kinda scary lol
any help would be greatly appricieated
Sep 2, 2005
When cold..... Choke up Gas on light but very firm kicks with little to no throttle opening. if you kick it with any more then 1/10 throttle opening Theres a good chance it aint gonna start. So watch that throttle hand. By the way this is how i start my 01 YZ250 and its all stock in mint condition only change to the motor is one leaner pilot. but even with the 75 polit jet it was the same when starting cold.


Jan 19, 2006
Here's a link that might give you some help.

Starting Bike

To add to what was said above, to prevent cracking the throttle while starting the bike cold, don't hold the throttle, instead hold the front master cylinder. Then you won't do the inevitable twist of the throttle, that tends to cause flooding.

Normally when you have to pull start a bike to get it to start, the compression is low. Just because he told you the top end was fresh, doesn't mean it was. It would be a good idea to check the compression.

If you can start your friend's RM, you should be able to start your YZ. If you can't, then there is something wrong with the bike that needs to be sorted out, rather than you wearing your leg out trying to light that bike off.


May 11, 2005
I know the top end is brand new because he showed me the receipts for the job. He had it done at a local shop so i highly doubt the compression is the problem. The guy just spent 1500 rebuilding the whole engine so i figured it would be fine. I dont have a compression gauge or whatever its called with me but my friend has one. When I kick it it sounds like it wants to start just doesnt.
When cold..... Choke up Gas on light but very firm kicks

what did you mean be this WhiskythrottleKeit did you mean turn on the choke im sorry im semi new at this its just really annoying.
Please help and thanks for the responds.


May 11, 2005
well i tried the tips and it work :laugh: so im gonna be riding as many chances as i get
thanks for all the help guys
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