Heated Grips

Sep 11, 2005
Hi, I want to get heated grips for my '92 yamaha wr200(2stroke). Will these work on my bike? IT has a stock headlight and tail light. I want to be able to run the lights on and the heater. What is a good set of heated grips and what is a good alternator if I will need a better one?

I have a good ($40) pair of Thor cold-weather MX riding gloves and those plastic guards around the handle bars(cuts down alot of wind to your fingers) but my hands still freeze after like 5min of riding.


dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Not sure how many watts your lighting coil puts out. If it is barely more than your head light takes (say a 40 watt or 50 watt lighting coil with a 35 watt headlight bulb and 5 watt tail light) I doubt if you will be able to run your lights and hot grips without re-winding the coild for more output. You could wire in a switch to allow either lights or grips, though.

FWIW, I have an e-line lighting coil in my bike with 2 x 100 watt leads. I have 100 watts going to hot grips set with two positions (high and low) and they get very warm on cold days (way too hot on warm days if you accidently turn them on). Even with hot grips, you defintely want some sort of hand gurads/wind deflectors to keep your hands warm, too.
Sep 11, 2005
I want to be able to run the lights and grips. I have those plastic wind deflectors which help alot but just don't help enough.

I looked at those eline coils and was about to buy one and scrolled down and it said they were like $450, I paid $900 for the entire bike so that's too much.

I was hoping to get away with spending a little over 100 bucks for the coil and heater.

are there any other coils that put out around the same power but are alot less?



Mar 15, 2005
Check on the site by the bay, you might be able to find something there.
Sep 11, 2005
I was also looking into having the stock one rewound by bajadesigns.com that seem to be right in my price range.
Sep 11, 2005
baja design said it would be 90 bucsk to have it rewound. proablem is they said the max the could get out of it is 60watts. That doesn't help me at all. I need at least 100 watts. Does anyone have any other options.

does anyone know where the best place to get one of those e-line lighting coils with 200 watts, I think that might be my best bet as I am planning on making it a duel sport in a few months. does e-line even amke one that fits a wr200?


Mar 15, 2005
Keep a eye out on bay-e, maybe youll see somthing pop up there. Or maybe if you cant find one quite big enuf you can buy it and then get it rewond by Baja Designs. Not sure tho.
Sep 11, 2005
anyone else have any sugestions? I would look on e bay but I have no idea what to look for or what fits my bike.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
For the few rides you need both lights and hot grips, use your current stator to power one or the other, and devise a battery pack to power the other one.
Sep 11, 2005
well I mostly thinking about when I use it as a duel sport next november when I turn 16 and get my motorcycle lisence. I will need both all the time.

Do you know where I can get an eline coil that fits my bike?


Jun 25, 1999
I dont imagine that much is available for you wr here in the states, but the DR \ DS? version is very popular in Japan for road use. You may find more available parts that are interchangeable by looking into the Japanese street version of your bike. FWIW, I had the stator on my wr500 wound by baja designs, and the work was good. I wouldnt hesitate to use them again.
Sep 11, 2005
Lorin said:
FWIW, I had the stator on my wr500 wound by baja designs, and the work was good. I wouldnt hesitate to use them again.

cooldude3552000 said:
baja design said it would be 90 bucsk to have it rewound. proablem is they said the max the could get out of it is 60watts. That doesn't help me at all. I need at least 100 watts. Does anyone have any other options.

They said I can't rewind it for enough power. I will look into the DR version. I emailed eline yesterday and havent heard back yet.

Sep 11, 2005
eline said they didn't have one that would fit my bike. Does anyone know of any other options for getting more watts?
Sep 11, 2005
could you just tell me on here or email me where I can get it or what the model number is, cooldude3552000@gmail.com

I'm at my dad's house for the week and my PC doesn't work and my dad's doesn't have aim and it's his work computer so i can't download it.



Nov 12, 2004
You don't need 100wts to run heated grips. Dual star heating eliments work great and pull 36wts on high. I have had a pair on my street bike for the last 23k miles ( I ride every day year round) and fully recomend them.Of course with them on high you might not be able to run lights as well. On low (still pretty warm) they pull 15-17wts IIRC.

If your tail light is a regular bulb, you could convert to LED's and gain some wattage (LED's require very very little juice).

Acerbis makes a nice, small, low draw LED tail light.
Bajadesigns makes a brighter dual sport style LED light that still doesn't draw too much.
Sep 11, 2005
I was already going to get an LED tail light.

The reason i want to get the eline one is because I am going to convert it to a duel sport and would like to upgrade the headlight also.
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