Heel/Foot problem


Nov 7, 2001
Ok, about 3 years ago I broke my leg and ripped my knee up after hitting a tree T bone style. My ankle had been trapped between the tree and the bike, and I cartwheeled off except for my foot still stuck against the tree, and thats when my leg bent in ways my creator never intended.
Anyhow, since had my knee done (although its in bad shape still) However....

When I got the cast off 6 weeks after the fact, I had a TERRIBLE bruise at my heel, on each side. Never thought much of it, but ever since, it would get sore from time to time. Especially after (dont laugh) skateboarding. I push off with that foot, and after riding it would be sore. Here and there I would have bad days with it if I walked alot.

NOW: I limp for about 10 minutes every morning for the last 2 weeks. After being on it a while it feels a little better. I tried to take a few running steps the other day, and it hurt like mad. Its not so much the ankle, like when you twist it. More like straight up into my heel. In any case the pain is obviously where it had been bruised 3 years ago, and before the accident, I never had any of this at all. (Cant help I spend most of the day on concrete floors either)....

Uhhh got to drag myself to the ortho guy again...
Anybody had this type of pain?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I have had the misfortune of a few foot problems and you have my sympathy - it can be very painful.

The fact that it hurts when you first get up makes me think it is the muscles contracting during your sleep. It happens to all of us, and on a healthy foot it is not a problem. But if the muscle is too short (atrophied while in cast or some other reason), it is being pulled taught across the bottom of the heel. If you have a heel spur or other bone irregularity, the muscle is getting irritated, which pulls it even tighter. After you get up and have some activity, it might be a little better as the muscle begins to stretch some, but then throughout the day the pain gets worse as the muscle gets irritated by the bone. During the day, any direct impact or use of the foot muscle like running or even walking is pulling the already sore muscle across the bottom of your heel, which may have a nice little spike or fishhook of bone on it.

Try to stretch your foot to lenghten the muscles. Stand and do toe raises, that sort of thing. Talk to a foot doctor, and see what they recommend. Custom Orthotics (inserts for your shoes) can help keep your foot arched and muscles lenghtend.

A podiatrist will check for heel spurs or other problems. He may have to surgically remove the spur, but lots of times just lenghtening the muscles will cure the problem. As a first step, they will probably soak your feet in a warm paraffin bath to soothe and relax the muscles. If your pain is bad, he may give you a cortisone shot. That can work like magic.

Edit: The common name of what I've described is Plantar Fasciitis. You can find tons of info on the internet about causes and cures. The plantar is the muscle along the bottom of your foot.

Good luck!
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