Help! personal webpages


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
This is more of an off topic thing but what I'm looking for belongs to a couple of the female members here but I can't remember who they are! :bang:

I remember coming across a couple of personal websites (in posts) that I thought were pretty cool. I think one of them might be SL99's. One of them had wedding photos taken on some mountain in the snow. I remember, because I was thinking to myself, "Are they NUTS?!" ;) They also had family pics and things like that. If you have a personal website and you don't mind sharing it, could you post it here for me.

I want to use a couple as examples for my sister. My sister lives in Australia and has a baby who is going to be 1 year old on the 23rd. She take gobs of pictures but always has a hard time sending them to the family. I'm trying to get her to set up a website where she can organize her photos and information about her family that is easy to share with the rest of the family back here in the states.

Back in the day you could find sites where you could set up free home pages with limited space. I'm looking for something like that as well so if anyone has any suggestions for sites that host easy to set up personal web pages could you let me know?



Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
1 offers a free photo gallery as do many other sites....


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
I know there are a lot of photo sites like yahoo, weshots, etc. what I'm looking for are actual webpages that you have to set up. I will recommend she post her pics in an online photo album as well if nothing else though.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Did she check with her ISP? Alot of ISP's offer 5 meg + of web space for personal use.

Moto'n Mama

Nov 14, 2003
I'm previously SL99 - here's the link to my site:

I set this site up with It is free with limited space or you can buy more if needed. They have easy to use templates or you can get creative and build it from scratch like I did. I'm sure they have easy to use photo albums also. This site is pretty easy to use to build a site all the way around.

I've used Earthlink's website software but I dont like the outcome near as much.

I also use for my business's website: Alderwood . I really like this company's website building software, once you get use to it (doesnt take long) its easy to navigate and organize and get a nicely layed out site. I'm not sure if they have tamplates but I believe they have online photo page options. You will probably pay to use this site.


May 14, 2004
Off the subject ...

Moto'N Mama I see you're in Idaho. So am I. Where is your favorite place to trail ride? :clue:

Moto'n Mama

Nov 14, 2003
Well, we're just getting into trails - we've been track junkies up untill this year. Idaho City is a lot of fun - we've rode several loops there. Burgdorf area is fun but with much more challenging riding it seems. Thats all we've done so far. We need to explore more and find more people to ride with to show us where to go. We just bought a place in Cascade so I'm sure we'll get to know the area really well. Sledding season is upon us though so we probably wont ride bikes much till next year. Where do you ride?


May 14, 2004
I'm in Nampa. We ride a lot out in the Owyhees up around Silver City and War Eagle mountain. Once snow starts we'll ride out in the desert for the winter. We went up around Idaho City once and we've recently been to Silver Creek Plunge which was an awesome ride. I've also been around Baumgartner ... rode up and over Iron Mountain. That is an excellent ride also.

What tracks do you guys ride?
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