HELP!! Problems with clutch or bottom end on YZ 125!!


Oct 8, 2004
Hi I just bought a Yz 125 and it seems to have a clutch or bottom end problem. When ever start it up it makes a loud noise like a whine. At first I thought it was the top end because it has a new piston and rings, but I dont believe it is now. So I started it up and tried to ride around. As soon as i let out the clutch to go it just dies.(yes i know how to ride a bike, been riding for 4 years) So, I give it a bit of a push start and I slowly takes off. Now remeber this is going down a slight incline maybe 10 degrees at the most. So i turn around and try to go back, I put into first but it just revs. It didnt want to move at all. Does any one know what this could be or has anybody had a similar problem. Like I said I thought it was the top end because this noise is so loud and whiny. It completely covers up the whole two stroke sound. Please help. Oh and it doesnt matter weather the clutch is in out in neutral or whatever it does at all the time.


May 4, 2004
Hmmmmm..........Pull the clutch cover off and tell us what you see. Is the oil full of metal flake? Are the clutch plates toast? Is the clutch basket still attached to the input shaft? Let us know and we'll try and help. YZ165


Oct 8, 2004
Well, I took the clutch cover off and as far as i could see nothing was wrong. No shavings. The basket was a Moose. I dont think the plates are toast. I'm not real sure how much is on the new plates. There was a little less that a 16th or the thickness of a paperclip of the carbon or whatever it is on the plates. Also when i start the bike up pull in the clutch and drop it into first it dies, and remember the clutch is pulled in the whole time. It has to be a bearing or something in the bottom end. Oh, and the basket bearing was good to.


May 4, 2004
The bottom end is where I'd look. If the clutch looks good, there's not much left. I've seen crank bearings cause the noise you described, but they don't usualy affect the tranys performance. You might have a bad bearing in the primary or intermediate shaft in the tranny. Split the cases and you'll find the problem. YZ165


Oct 8, 2004
Well, I really would like to split the case, but do you need special tools? I have heard and read that you do. Otherwise I would love to split it because I would learn a great deal about the bike. Also what is in the case just gears or abunch of springs?


May 4, 2004
No springs that I'm aware of. Lots of gears. You need a case splitter. I've done it without one before, but it's not worth the risk. Motion Pro makes the one I have. Makes the job much easier. You might need a flywheel puller too. Can't think of anything else, I'm sure someone will chime in if I forgot anything. You have a manual right? That should do it, Good luck, YZ165
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