Help your ORV friends


Jul 19, 2004
To all ATV, Motorcycle and ORV clubs, associations and individuals,

There is a proposal for ATV/ORV trails in Seminole, Oklahoma. A couple of months ago some our local ATVers asked if the city would provide them with some currently undeveloped land located at our city-owned lake - Sportsman Lake.
Well, I spoke to a few of the city councilmen about it and most said they were in favor of it. So, I met a few times with the local enthusiasts and we began to proceed with putting together a proposal.

Meanwhile, our local equestrian riders heard about the proposed trails and the STUFF hit the fan. Now, we have lost the support of some of our previously committed Councilmen due to pressure from this group.

There is existing equestrian trails on the NORTH side of the lake that cover about 950 acres. The land that the ATVers are proposing is located on the SOUTH side of the lake and covers about 450 acres. The ATVers have no desire to use the equestrian trails, yet the equestrian riders continued to complain.

So, the ATVers backed off a little to let things cool down, quietly going about organizing and putting their proposal together.

Suddenly, on Friday July 30th 2004, the Lake Board agenda stated the following:
"Discussion/Action regarding proposed expansion of equestrian facilities."

In an effort to keep the ATVers out, the equestrian riders asked the Lake Board to give them an additional 450 acres to expand the equestrian trails. Obviously, this 450 acres is the land the ATVers were proposing to use for their trails.

As a compromise, the ATVers proposed a "shared trail" system that would encompass the controversial 450 acres ONLY. Again, the ATVers stated that they have no desire to ride on the existing 950 acres of equestrian trails. Without hesitation, the equestrian riders adamantly opposed the compromise and demanded the land for themselves.
At the Lake Board meeting on Tuesday, August 3rd, much to our dismay, the Lake Board approved the equestrian riders request.

The vote passed by a 2-1 margin and will now be "recommended" to the City Council for approval. The City Council will make the final decision as to whether the trails should be designated equestrian trails only.

As mentioned before, our goal is to make the trails "shared trails" between the equestrian and ATV riders. And only the 450 acres in question would be shared. This will be the motion from the ATV supporters - that the 450 acres be "shared trails" between the equestrians and the ATVers/ORVers.

The equestrian riders will be at the City Council meeting in full support of making the trails “equestrian trails only”. This is where you can help.

If we can garner enough support from the ATV and ORV community, we should be able to sway the City Council into designating the trails “shared” trails, but this will NOT be easy. The ORV community must show “overwhelming” support to keep from losing their proposed trails.

We're asking all ORVers to help with our campaign. All we have to do is show that there is ample support for the trails and we can get them approved.

If you would like to help, here's what you can do:

Simply write a letter/email addressed to:

Mayor Billy Choate
401 N. Main
Seminole, Oklahoma

voicing your support for the trails. Email it to me and I'll present it to the Mayor and City Council on your behalf as a strong supporter of this project (this website won't allow me to post my email addy in the forums, but here it is in fragmented form. All you have to do is remove all the commas

Another action we strongly recommend is calling our mayor and City Council members to “voice” your support. The more calls they get, the better our chances of winning this issue.
Here are their contact numbers:

Mayor Billy Choate – (wk) (405) 382-2280
City Manager Steve Saxon – (wk) (405) 382-4330
Councilman Chayne Fisher – (h=home) (405) 382-5511 (wk=work) (405) 382-0585
Councilman DD Patterson – (h) (405) 382-2805
Councilman Bill Wantland – (h)(405) 382-5068
Councilman Terry Thomason – (h) (405) 382-5347 (cell) (405) 380-7337
Councilman Matt Rose – (c) (405) 612-1903
Councilman Mike Downey – (c) (405) 382-7663

We also need as many people as possible to show up at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 10th, 2004. If you are within driving distance we strongly urge you to be a proactive participant by attending the meeting and showing your support. You don’t have to speak unless you want to – but your presence there will make a definite impact. We need over 100 ORV supporters to attend this meeting.

If you would like to attend the meeting, here is the info:

City Council Meeting
Tuesday August 10th, 2004
Seminole, Oklahoma
Seminole Public Library
424 N. Main Street
6:45 pm

This laand was originally set aside for the benefit of the ORV community. Don’t let it be stolen from you/us. Email your support letter today and/or attend the meeting on Tuesday.

I appreciate your time and thank you for any and all the support you may be able to provide.

James Hale
Seminole, Ok. 74868