
Feb 8, 2001
blew 3rd gear have motor apart and cleaning all parts in parts washer with everthing lined up in order on bench when unwanted helper(son) comes along and says whats this and this as he picks things up.
Now i need to know on the main axle , at the end of the shaft that dead ends into the left case half the end gear on that shaft is the 2nd pinion gear it is straight cut on one side and offset on the other what side goes towards the bearing in the left case half?????
I,am talking about the shaft that has the clutch basket on the right hand side. Not the drive shaft with the sprocket...
Help help
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David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Well you need the exploded parts diagram for the gearbox, I wouldn’t trust anyone to describe what goes where without a picture. Ask the shop to copy you one when you order your gear. If it were a kawi you could see it on their site cw part no.s, but Yam US don’t seem to provide the same service.

yam 3

May 19, 2000
I believe that will have what your looking for. Not sure about the address but you should be able to do a search. They have the microfish(sp) available on the web.


Jul 6, 2001
Check the wear patterns on either side of the gear-there is a washer between the gear and case bearing, it probalby has made a witness mark on the side of the gear. I believe you will find that the beveled edge of the gear goes towards the case bearing to allow oil to better enter the bearing. The gear WILL work in either position, it does not slide on the shaft, but that blind bearing needs all the lube it can get-I have replaced several over the years. IRONDOG
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