
Sep 13, 2001
Hey everybody i'm new to this and io thought i would say hi first of all i've been reading ur topics for a long time and thought its time for me to join so here i am and some info on me.

16 years old live in Radisson, Sask in Canada I've been riding for the past 3 years and raced my first time this year. I just brought a 1999 kx125 this spring. Thats all I can think of as of right now but if you have any questions drop me a line. and send my wish with all you guy/gals who have lost friends and family or know people who did.


Apr 28, 2000
Its nice to see some more people from sask on here. Where do you do most of your riding? I know NB has a track and you aren't too far from there. Have you ever been to it? If so, whats it like?


Sep 13, 2001
Yep I've been to NB track I was goin g to race there next sunday cause its the last race can't now cause 3 days ago I bruise my tail bone but from what I've seen of the track its very nice lots of room good tight track with some nice jumps. But if your looking for a cool place to ride go to the river hills at Borden Bridge theres some nice trails and hang time jumps, you know if you ever go drop me a line and I'll ride with ya.;)
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