Hey Teeds and tx246


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
Where's that Moab ride report? I need to know what I missed so I can decide if putting my career ahead of a ride trip was the right move or not :bang: :bang:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
evenslower said:
Where's that Moab ride report? I need to know what I missed so I can decide if putting my career ahead of a ride trip was the right move or not :bang: :bang:

Soon ..

Have patience Grasshopper ... soon.

Same week next year ... Wednesday before through Tuesday afterwards ... the weekend BEFORE Memorial Day.

BTW ... Yea, ya blew it!

330 miles of riding ... We are doing the White Rim Trail in Canyojnlands next year. Your bike will need 130 miles (or so) of range. Too much fun!
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