Hi - girl from far Poland


Jul 30, 2004
I'm a total beginner and novice rider /about 40 hrs experience at most/.
Sorry for my English but as u see i'm foreigner :coocoo:
I ride yz 125 in woods and track and planning this year start to learn in mx school for amateur /unfortunately i'm mature - 27 old :bang: so for the career it's too late
BTW How can i be subscriber not having the credit card just to send you the money?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Welcome! How is the riding there? How much of the year can you ride outdoors?

Your English is better than many Americans!


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
Well Hello! Welcome to the best dirt biking site on the web. Hope you enjoy your time here. Oh, and it's nice to hear from someone from my 'homeland'. My mom's mother came over from Poland.


Mar 27, 2004

My cousin just did the 6 day enduro a few months ago there in Poland. He lives in Holland (I moved here as a teenager from Holland) He said the riding was very good but very tiring. You are NEVER to old to begin! Goodluck!


Jul 30, 2004
Thanks everybody for so nice saying - Welcome :)
Definetely i agree is the best dirt forum on the web.
Concernig ISDE i'm realyy ashamed of polish "fans" behaviour - there were so many accidents, deaths and crashes and additionaly sb have stolen the ktm which belonged to death racer from germany what a shame of Poland :bang:
Much more nicer the stuff look if it concerning wheather and possibility of riding - we have winter with snow but in last few years only in theory so this season i'm able to ride all the year long.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site natha :cool:

Like Gomer said, your English is just fine. ;) Better than many of the kids here in America.

Regarding your age, you might enjoy reading the thread entitled Older Riders. It is all about us "older" riders. My kids are older than you and my daughter is just now beginning to ride bikes. She needs to learn quickly as it will not be long before she is chasing my grandson around on his 50. Taking a skills class is a very good way to get a good strong base of knowledge to work with quickly.

I assume you have found the Women's Forum, but if not please check it out. We are blessed with a very fine group of dedicated women that are always willing to help out.

Regarding how to subscribe without using a credit card, for that question I am going to have to defer to the Okiewan.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!


Jul 30, 2004
Once again thx a lot for so warm invitation and it's really nice feeling just to bacome a member of worldwide dirt riders community! :cool:


Nov 4, 2004
At leest u dont rite like this and say...........chill out dude, it is nut like this is formal riting or sumthing like they do on some other message bords. That Sh!t comeing from peeple who speek english as there 0nly language. :coocoo: Damn cids anywey!!!!

That crap drives me up the wall. Glad to see you riding and having a good time! :laugh:
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