High school bullies, how to deal with them?


Jun 5, 2001
Woods, how did I know you'd go for the captain and the first mates?! You grabbed a Soley's nads? :scream: That's like riding a brahma bull, you don't let go until the ride has come to a full and complete stop!:)


Aug 2, 2001

Small town white America? Even the Judge knows boys will be boys. Tell him to beat the snot out of the kid. As long as your kid hits first and makes it counts. Even if he takes a beating after that the rest of the kids will lay off of him. No one wants to be the guy who gets punched. As well they will respect him for standing his ground.

I assure you this will work.


Dec 3, 2001
The druggies in my school dont care about life or anything, not teachers, not cops. They think they are all tough but really aren't. The problem is that youre kid is small, a disadvantage. Karate seems like a good thing, bending arms behind backs, doing take downs, blocking punches. Also, look around for really good come backs, the drugies hate it when someone they're picking on has a good come back, then right after the picked on kid says the come back, he walks away leaving the druggies feelind stupid. But again, karate seems good, or atleast some form of fighting so that they kid isn't defenseless. If he gets punched or something, then throws in a quick, unexpected hard punch back, that seems good.


Aug 2, 2001
Any form of Martial arts bar Thai Boxing will take you a long, long time before you are proficient enough to use it in a fight. Even Thai Boxing you are looking at 6-8 months, and I don't you have any Thai Boxing instructors in Smallville.

Just because you know how to do it does not mean your body will do it as a reflex in that kind of situation.

Just have him grab the kid by the throat and start whaling away. Go for nose and lips. Won't do any real damage, but it will be bloody. The rest of the kids will back off I assure you. Headbutt is really effective for this as well. Tell him to look at the kids chin and just lean in hard. White boys like to get right in your face making it real easy.


Oct 14, 2001
There have been many times I WANTED to hit someone, but the consequences at our school is too great to actually do it.

My opinion is that most bullies are all talk (keep in mind I'm 6' 215lbs). It was pretty pathetic cause I had kids smaller than me trying to start with me. I know that around here you gotta push most people wwwwaaaayyyyy over the edge before there is a fight at school.

I'm not sure how the laws are there, but if you are 16 or over the school officer arrests you on the spot for fighting and you get an automatic suspension. This happens whether or not you did anything, if some guy just beat you for no reason, both you and the other guy would get in trouble so if you get struck first you may as well give it your all.

The thing with notifying principles and parents I halfway agree with. Parents should definately know what's going on. With the principles and teachers, it doesn't do much but make you a "rat" to the bully. By telling the school authorities, it does help CYA later on. It won't really help alleviate the problem. I'm not a lawyer but if you told teachers and administrators and there was eventually a fight and the bully's parents somehow got a lawyer wouldn't blame be on the school for not doing anything?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
As has been pointed out martial arts training isn't going to fix it today unless it was started a few years back. What WILL help is either a one day self defence class that many martial arts school offer a few times a year. These are usually geared towards women protecting themselves from male attackers but it would offer some very good self defence options for a kid that was old enough to understand the training which in this instance should easily be the case. These classes usually run less than $100 and last 8 hours with hands on trainning (black and blue marks on the testing idiots ...er dummies are expected. :confused: Another down side to formal martial arts training is a lethal option and must be used carefully and with restraint. Many states do view formal high level training as a deadly weapon.

Another VERY effective program would be CDT. It is a pretty spendy option but what he would learn should make him quite a bit more able to handle the situation. I believe there is a course in Michigan this month as well. At $400 it's money well spent IF the will to actually use it is in place. :thumb:


Jul 8, 2002
In our highschool almost everyone bullies everyone. There are a few groups: popular kids, stoners/ skaters, nerds, hispanic gang bangers called the IG's, and punks. Then there is the group that im in, were kinda nuetral, we usualy get along with everyone. There really is no one-on-one fights either. it starts in school as all talk, than it goes to the street, with a lot of people, usualy about 40 people end up fighting and 5 go to the hospital. A few days ago a kid ended up getting hit in the face with a crow bar, not a pretty sight. I just be myself and i dont talk any crap to people. But if i do get picked on i defend myself, the last time i had a bully was not to long ago. im a big kid and it got to the point where i couldnt take it anymore so i snapped on him. He was a year older than me and i ended up choking him and punching him in his face over and over again. He went home crying and the next thing he said to me was sorry. So my advise to you is to be defensive and dont be affraid to fight back. Bullies are just looking for attention, if they get beat up they'll realize they're not so great and they'll stop. but keep in mind telling doesn't really help.


May 21, 2001



Nov 23, 1999
It’s tough when the right thing to do will get you in trouble with the cops. I got the crap beaten out of my at a party a while back by a group of guys looking for trouble. It started by the youngest one (about 15) coming up (backed up by about 10 of his mates) and pushing me every 5 minutes. I eventually pushed back and had about 8 guys start laying into me. I was really messed up.
Anyway, I saw the original guy that kept pushing me down the street the other day. It was all I could do to not thump him. He didn't even look at me, I don’t blame him. The point is I would be doing everybody a favour by beating the stuffing out of him. I would be doing me a favour, the cops a favour, I would be doing the general public a favour, I would even be doing him a favour. But I can't risk a criminal record with assault on it, and I can’t see me leaving a pile of bloody pulp on the footpath that once resembled a 15-year old boy, going unnoticed.


Oct 14, 2001
I HATE it when people gang up on one person. If you are gonna fight, it should be fair. Isn't there an unwritten rule that none of your little buddies jump in unless it is to even it back out after the other guy's friends get involved? That's how it's always been here.

Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
I've taken that trip to the office too many times. First is when this huge (6'3" 200 pds. or so) guy many cards short of a full deck confronted me in the parking lot because I'd been taunting him, da da daa davvee da daaviiiiid. Punch..punch...teacher. The next year I repeated words written on the locker room wall about this "gangsta wannabe" and I received a cheap shot in the head. If only that teacher wasn’t right behind me. (Funny thing is that this same kid, only days earlier, was forced to kiss this guys feet and then he got locked up in the team room, with only about thirty kids watching and hootin 'n hollering :thumb: ) Now this moron thinks he's all that because of one little punch and tries to intimidate me :silly: These days everyone is so darn quick to drag kids to the office..and after you're there they seem to have a spiked stick up there... :uh:

Some kids just need to get their punk attidute brought into check


Aug 2, 2001
Hey squid if you were taunting him what did you expect. I think Marlin's sons situation is different.

Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
stand up for yourself...there's no reason to submit to a "certain group of kids" because they are bullies. Learn some basic self-defense moves. They can do wonders if you retaliate when they least expect it.


Oct 18, 2001
I agree just stand up for yourself. All through highschool I never had a problems with bullies cause I either ignored em or just stood up whenever confronted. Most are all talk and don't do or talk trash without their cronies by their side. The most popular kids in our school were the one's that talked the most trash. That's how they became popular I guess, everyone was afraid of em so they tried being friend's with em... screw that. Senior year we had a intramural hockey competition, and in the final game it was my buddies and I against them. The whole week leading up to it was trash talk back and forth. One day after a practice we were standing in the parking lot talking at our cars when we see them slowly drive by us just staring. We stared back and when they got to about 50 yards away they stopped the car and all got out. Then they were like "Whatcha got f*****s"? One kid in my group yelled, "why did you stop all the way out there, why don't you come over here?" and they got in their car and left. All talk and no game most of these kids are.
The only time I was really harassed by a kid was in lunch and this gangsta kid used to hang out at our table. No one really liked him but we put up with him. So one day I go to sit down and realized that my chair was not their and I fell on my a** making a little noise. The gangsta kid pulled it out from under me... oldest trick in the book haha. So I punched him in the arm and he punched back till me and him was a stupid little fight till my buds broke it up. Next day the kid sat down next to me and started talking trash again. He was leaning back in his chair so I was like "Look at that girl over there" The dummy looked and I flipped his chair up so hard that he went sliding across the floor on his back makin all kinds of noise. Probably about 300 kids looked up and started screamin and hollerin at him, and laughing hysterically. He got up, dusted himself off, and left the cafeteria... never came back to that one period :)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
This is a tough problem and one I hope my son doesn't have to deal with to any extreme level. I am also of the school to make a stand. I understand where Bundu is coming from in advising against fighting but I think that from a legal standpoint once they have put there hands on you (I.E. pushing him around) it is an assault and legally you can defend yourself. If you think you have no chance in the fight but are still gutsy enough to make your stand my advice would be either the headbutt as previously suggested or a similar strike with the bottom or pad of the palm of your hand right into the tip of your foes nose in an upward direction, this strike would be best to be very quick and unexpected as the bully doesn't feel your a threat yet. I would then follow it up by charging him if he's still standing and basically spearing him to the ground before assuming the top mount and making sure he no longer presented a threat to me.

The other really good point made in this thread was by Elk who mentioned documentation, I work in a hospital and they have a saying here that "if it isn't documented it didn't happen" Hope this situation comes to a reasonable conclusion for your son.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
The comments on this issue are great, some helpfull some not. I my self have told jr. that he'll sooner or later have to throw down! I really don't want any real harm to come to either boy "there just high schooler's" so I told him to do a first strike, to the solar plexus with vengeance!

Moto Squid

I've wrote the post in a manner, that maybe I could get a few arggestive boy's to answer or former bad boy. so as I could figure out what is going on in there head, what motativates them into the action of picking on a certain kid or type of kids. :think: so Moto Squid thank you for your candor. :thumb:
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Bullies are after one thing, and one thing only...attention.
When they are ignored they are deprived of what they need most.

Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
Be leary of any self-defense tricks...it onlt works if he doesn't deal you too good of a first hit/punch/kick ect. But my school has some automatic suspension crap if you're fighting, unless it's self-defense; that's the only thing that's kept me outa too much trouble.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Actually several self defense "tricks" work quite well at any time, provided you are willing to do them with the force required and not hold back. I have not met anybody that cares to have their kneecap displaced with a downward or even sweep kick at close quarters. A throat punch using an open hand and making contact with the web of the thumb & pointing finger done in a punching motion does not telegraph your intent and should not cause permenant damage is a pretty serious attention getter as well. Your 1st thumb knuckle (at your hand) slammed just below the ear is reasonably effective as well. Trapping fingers, hands, arms or legs can be a little risky in that the distance from controlled pain to a break are not far apart, then again a broke finger makes it kinda' hard to retaliate :p Self defence "tricks" are not all based upon trapping your attackers arm and twisting it, many are pain inducers to give them the chance to find easier pickings :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by kingriz1
Geez Patman,

LOL!! Man you are gonna get someone hurt. Nice advice though!
Well it seems 70Marlin has decided to have his son take a stand, I'd just like the kid to have a few tools available to help put an end to things quickly and producing hurt is what ends an attack. Nothing I've suggested is going to draw blood nor leave any lasting damage with the exception of snapping a finger (oops, my bad :p ).


Aug 29, 2001
The best thing is to try and get Jr. the self confidence to face them down. Maybe some sort of self defense class to raise his self confidence to stand up to them would be best. Bullies will usually back down when faced with someone unblinkingly telling them to back off or 'I WILL hurt you'.

I found that wrestling is a good way of dealing with bullies. Because I was quite small at school (4'8" at age 13) and puching would not really be much of an option, the good old headlock/choke hold would calm things down quite quickly. Using the proper technique means that size is not as important compared with some sort of fist fight. You could also use the choke hold to rub their nose on the ground - which is embarrasing, and becomes painful without the black eyes or assault charges.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I absolutely agree with you on the wrestling thing. Wrestlers are a tough bunch to deal with and can put a good hurtin on ya.
The only thing worse than a good wrestler is a man that knows judo. Those judo guys can handle anyone, bar none. A karate man or a boxer has no chance against a good judo fighter.


Mar 27, 2002
I vote to have CanadianRider come pay a visit. Nothing more intimidating than having connections to 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'! :p
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