Hillsville PA


Mar 1, 2004

The landowner has closed it down for good! I know him and the main issues are: Trash Dumping, People who have no respect for others land, and of course legal issues. He understands how much us riders love the place and it's a shame that it had to come down to closure. Sure people still slip in there and ride but I wouldn't want to get caught! You would be lucky to see a dozen riders there in a day.
The State also has Land that is joined with the 700 acres known as Hillsville so if someone is caught on that land lookout! It's posted along main street by the PA DNR.
Tommrow at 10:00am we have a meeting with an Attorney in Sharon to make an offer to the owner. Our last meeting with the owner went very well and we feel that the help from an attorney we may have something. His future thoughts for his land includes a landfill which is a sad thing. We are trying our best to pull off an OHV Park here and it would be a great thing to have a park in our area. We have found the help to make it happen fast but it's up to the landowner to go for the lease. I'll bet 1000's of riders would be happy to be able to have a legal place to ride such as Hillsville. Insurance is also a must and is required to make the landowner feel safe leasing the land for an OHV Park. The park would have to operate on a weekend basis as special events untill a full time insurance plan could be found. The insurance will be very costly, $900+ per event. Somebody has to step up to the plate and take a shot! Well we will do the best we can! :)


May 30, 2002
where exactly is hillsville in pa? i live near pittsburgh and im always looking for new places to ride.


Mar 1, 2004

Property owner is sitting in his office smoking cigarettes with his feet propped up on his desk with no thoughts of his property in Hillsville other than "Sweet Dreams of a Landfill". Wouldn't suggest going here but people do slip in behind SkyKing Fireworks. Haven't been there in a year so perhaps access may be blocked also. Fireworks Store owner goes off the deep end when people use field behind the store to get to parking area. Parking along Main Street is a real bad idea, the Pa Game Commission babysits this area and tickets are issued. We have spoken to the owner many times and our sport means nothing to him other than trouble. Perhaps he should eat the cost of reclaiming the quarry if he feels it is such a hazard. I really don't think his Landfill idea will ever be approved. His family also filed an application for a Horse Racing/Betting Track near Edinburg. The Horse Racing Track will also be a fart in a windstorm also! They have a big $ net worth but not as much as the bigger boys that have filed for application for other locations. Our Attorney had sent him a letter and the result was no reply. I would like to send out a moon icon to C-----S---- but I guess we'll just have to settle with this: :uh:
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