
Jul 14, 2000
All of these posts make it seem know the "Resistance is futile, we are all part of the collective." mentality.

Are there any numbers; our side vs their side? How many faxes, hand written letters does it take to weigh the scale to our side. How many people have sent letters, how many more do we need?
Is there a scoreboard?

How about, all of the organizations listed on the "links thread " combining their resources and efforts to create one big sledge hammer? Or all of the organizations joining hands (like happens when they search for a missing person) and march accross America.

I feel overwhelmed by all of the different issues and very divided on where to committ my time and $.


Mar 14, 2001
If your're not already a member, joind the Blue Ribbon Coalition, the AMA, and at least one local riding club.

I would be interested if there was ever a scientific study on the effects of off-roading. I mean, I know bikes can rut up a trail and cause some erosion, but when I get views of he forests I ride through, I can't tell there are any trails through it. I when I come across hiking trails, they look fine. I guess what I want to know is, "how big is the impact?"


KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000

I cannot tell you how many times I have attended local County of Representatives meeting involving land rights and have no one, except myself, show up and be inundated by the Greenies on the other side! Generally speaking, the majority of them are never from the local community, a fact I always, repeatedly and loudly re-itterate to the council members! To my surprise, they usally do not like outside activists coming to their community and trying to legislate their agenda.
SGR, it does seem like we are always on the losing end, but beleive me, I have been on several winning ends but you cannot for one minute let the defenses down. It never hurts to have more people on our side to affect the outcome of what seems to be an uphill battle. It's my opinion that those who purport to send the letters and support the agenda, leave much to be desired!


Jul 14, 2000

Originally posted by KLX Spode
I cannot tell you how many times I have attended local County of Representatives meeting involving land rights and have no one, except myself, show up and be inundated by the Greenies on the other side! Generally speaking, the majority of them are never from the local community, a fact I always, repeatedly and loudly re-itterate to the council members! To my surprise, they usally do not like outside activists coming to their community and trying to legislate their agenda.

I am glad to hear that one peron does make a difference.

But again, I feel overwhelmed, how do you sift through all of the information to figure out where you can be most effective. I think many people feel like I do, not apathetic,... overwhelmed!
I would like to see a united "DIRT DAY" like they have "earth day", and for one day or one hour all over the U.S. we speak out and get quanity and quality news coverage. Maybe it could be in conjunction with "Dirt Week". I think a majority of off-roaders would participate in that.

Doesn't the SDOR Coalition do something like that in El Cajon once a year where offroaders participate in a parade?


Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by Magellan

I would be interested if there was ever a scientific study on the effects of off-roading

I'm not sure this can be classified as "scientific" but several years ago (1997?) there were some complaints filed prior to a turkey run in NH (what's now known as the NH classic). The complaints were that the dirtbike event would cause irreparable destuction to the vegetation, etc. The local environmental/forestry folks were invited by the people putting on the event to observe and report on the environmental impact. The report concluded that while the immediate impact was some rutting and erosion, two weeks later the tilled soil was not visible and had actually helped to promote growth of the vegetation. Therefore there was no negative environmental impact caused by the event.


Jan 27, 2000


Don't give up hope. I have been involved with the land issues for many years. Starting back in the late 60's, early 70's with the closing of the B to V race, the desert tortise, etc, etc, etc.

I am finally, after all of those years, starting to see some hope. We have a vehicle for fighting this now that we never had before. The computer. We now have a network to keep each other informed.
Also, a way to inform others of what is going on and light a fire under those that don't have a clue.

We also have many others on our side now that we never had before. Ranchers, miners, rock hounds, many others that were never on our side are now being shut out themselves. By joining forces with these groups, we can change what is going on. We have already made a difference.

Attend the meetings, write letters to your representives, e-mail your friends and co-workers when you see somthing that is wrong. It only takes a few of us to light a fire under the rest of us.

We have already done it here on DRN. Last year at the BLM meeting in Barstow, we had a great turnout and we made a difference.

Don't give up, be vigilent.

There are three types of people on this earth. The type that makes things happen. The type that watches things happen. And the type that looks around and says, "What happened?"

We all have to be the one's that make things happen.



Mar 20, 2001
Article.....Links not Working

Link not working.....go back to May 9th on this forum, and please read the article entitled.....Want to Help But Don't Know How ?


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