Hungry Valley Qualifier Enduro - May 19, Gorman CA


Jul 5, 2000
Who else is going? I'd like to meet up with any fellow Wrecking Crew™ members. We'll be there friday night, and probably camping by our poor ol' lonely selves. I got lots o' fire wood!

Out of sheer enthusiasm and stupidity, I missed the first check at my last race and was DQ'd. I would have trophied too. So I'll be there and ready to kick some :moon:


Apr 29, 2001
I'll be there with a few other people. I'll be coming up Saturday afternoon & will probably do a small (easy) ride that day.



Jul 5, 2000
Looks like we'll be hanging with the Viewfinders. If you see a guy on a black KTM200 give me a shout. Red numbers - V185x.

Do you know anything about the rangers view of red stickers up there? So far it's looking like we'll have nowhere to ride Saturday according to the rules... Man I hate those CARB restrictions. :|


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
I just received the D37 flyer in the mail, and it says that there is no time keeping. Can anyone give me a run down on what happens at a qualifier?


Jul 5, 2000
Hey holeshot, I thought you had done it all? ;)

Actually that was my question too. This was the answer I got...

"The course is laid out with a series of special tests. Each section riders will start about 15 sec. apart and go as fast as they can until the next section. The best overall times will determine the winner."

When I found out there was no timekeeping I was all over it. :aj:

The word is the rangers are gonna be out in force bustin' some :moon: So keep in mind there is a tech inspection:
- you must be running the non-ethylene type coolant (Sierra, Engine Ice, or
Water Wetter)
- 101db sound limit
- Forest Service approved spark arrestor

I'll be there.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I'll be there ... this an extremely fun event !


Apr 11, 2001
In an (ISDE-rules) qualifier (euro & aussie enduro format), you trail ride between the special tests, delineated by check (in & out) points. The moment you check in, the racing begins as clock starts for you - and you only - so you ride with gusto, then they "clock" you at the checkout checkpoint. The lowest cumlative scores for the event/classification wins accordingly.

HoleShot: you do need to pass the sound test.


Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by the Eel
I'll be there ... this an extremely fun event !

Hey Eel, I'll be hangin' with the Viewfinders camp, look me up. Black/silver KTM 200. I'd love to try your bike, I was thinking of one for my wife - she's having a hard time with the MX gearbox in her YZ125.

Did you get your minute yet? I'd imagine your way ahead of me... 50D, heh.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by placelast

HoleShot: you do need to pass the sound test.

This event sounds like my style (riding in "spurts"), but it doesn't look like it's in the cards at this moment, and I'd have to run around and look for a quiet insert anyway (Pro Circuit is nearby, but they're closed on Sat.). Looks like I'll have to live through the experience of others. :silly:

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
*William* - I did not pre-enter so god only knows what minute I'll be on - last year when I signed up on race day I think I got row 85 !! :)

You're more than welcome to try the tiddler - I have a silver Toyota Tacoma -and I'll be on the lookout for ya ... it's gonna be a great day !


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Well dang, I wanted to get ready for the qualifier anyway, so I stopped by Pro Circuit to pick up the "quiet core insert" for my muffler. I couldn't believe my eyes when they showed it to me. It was the same "witch's hat" screen that I already have, but with a washer welded on the end to restrict flow. It wasn't even a special washer, just a regular 20 cent washer that you can buy at the hardware store. I paid the 30 bucks for it anyway, hoping that it would work.
When I put the thing on and started up, it sounded like a two stroke without a silencer. The washer created a "drum like" effect and the Rat-a-tat-tat sound was actually louder than without the "quiet core".

Ripoff :|

Well, I guess this is really a flame, but I still look forward to the ride reports. :)


Jul 5, 2000

My wife got ill friday night - strep throat. I got in a trail ride saturday (Gorman is cool!) but Sunday AM she could hardly talk. I'd have been an a-hole not to have taken her to urgent care ASAP. She's still in bed today and now I'm getting it. Boss doesn't care and gave me a hard time for missing work yesterday. :debil:

Eel I'll take you up on that test ride another time. :ugg:

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Of course you made the right choice ... blood is thicker than ... dirt I guess ?
C'mon out to our club enduro on June 16th at Stoddard. You can ride the Husky all you want. Hope the wife feels better soon.
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