Hyper-extended knee?


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
The trainer at my school told me that I hyper-extended my knee during our football game on Thursday. It hurt pretty bad, and still does. I'm can't straighten it out of move it laterally, as of now, and I'm wearing a brace. Has anybody had this happen before? Do yall know how long I should expect to be out?


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Nobody can say how long you will be out. I experienced the same thing in my younger days. One time I was out for 2 weeks, another I was out for a couple days. Every body heals at different rates. It also depends on the severity of the impact and swelling and all. Youre just going to have to see how long it takes your knee to recover.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Being sidelined during the season can be more painful than the injury itself.
Just my 1.5 cents


Apr 1, 2001
The biggest thing you'll have to guard against is that it will hyper-extend again much easier until it totally heals.(Even up to a year.) At the very minimum I would wear at least an elastic brace of some sort during any physical activity. As soon as you are able, consider light weight training to build the muscles back up that support your knees.
It's been my experience to re-injure a hyper-extension just walking normally if you're not careful. They do seem to eventually heal up though.
On a side note, I find it funny how you were injured (the injury is not funny) because several years ago I was a very good Mens' League softball player, and told all my buddies I had to give it up because I was trashing my knees,and I was going to take up a safer sport: Desert racing!:D


Mar 25, 2001

I agree, dirt biking has caused me much less painfull injuries than my foorball days. 2 knee surguries, uncountable sprained ankles, a broken ankle, and a seperated shoulder.

Mostly I have only had bruises and road rash from the dirt bike accidents I have had. I did slightly seperate my shoulder about a month and 1/2 ago when I had a mishap in the whoops. Ouch!


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Hyper extending the knee gives me chills. A brace would be worth the investment if for no other reason than confidence. Most people that have not had surgery to repair a blown out knee have a lot of "slop" in the knee. For instance, my left knee, never under the knife, at full extension goes to 8? past 0...! That is 8? into hyper extension. If I take on a load (impact) while I am at full extension I am in deep weeds. Conversely, my righ knee has been rebuilt and stops at 1? into the flexsion so if it takes on the same load it will bend the way it was meant to and rely on the quads to stop the motion.

A brace will eliminate going into hyper extension and will give you lateral support as well and in football with all the cut blocks and such that should be of some comfort. I believe DonJoy amkes a pretty stout brace for football and I think the CTi2 and Edge could withstand the demands of impact sports... of course my favorite is the Asterisk Cell but I am not sure it is right for football? Talk to Billywho (moderator of Training and Fitness forum) He can give you some good insight into what would be a good brace option for football.

For what it is worth... it took me 5 months after surgery to get back on the bike... now at 9 months it is over 100% strenght and stamina but speed is still lacking. I can run 15 miles at 7min pace no problem but wind sprints... forget about it. Just doesn't feel right yet.:think


Mar 25, 2001
They made us wear huge mechanical knee braces(about twice the size of an asterik one) when I played football at K-State and it is still possible to severely injure the knee with any brace on. But like Thump said, the confidence you gain just by wearing them, they worth their weight in gold.

My second knee injury came with one of these hug braces on but whether or not this had any relation to the fact that I had injured it in the past played a factor in that I will never know. But I can say that my second injury(with knee brace on) was far less severe and after a quick scope at the ortho's office I was back practicing in a week and playing at full level in 2.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Get it checked by a specialist if it bothers you for more than a few days it's worth the expense. I know, I "hyperextended" my knee in in several directions a while back to the point where I had 3-4mm of "slop" in the joint. Doesn't sound like much but you would be amazed at how weak it makes you. I currently have partial tears to the MCL (40%) and ACL(+30%) along with damage to several other little knee parts and some little pieces floating around. How much fun am I having? Not much.:( So far I have avoided the knife and am getting back into PT mode to keep it that way (I hope). I wear my Cells doing lots of things a normal person would not just because I don't want further damage (already did some jumping off my tractor:confused: ). So don't rely on the trainer to diagnose what could be damage that will only get worse.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
My fiancé, Red, hyper-extended his knee in a race this August. Here was his healing process/timeline just to give you some idea:

8/12 - hyper-extended knee in race (no braces worn)
8/18 - tried to race again - re-injured knee 1st lap of practice
9/2 - raced again (with knee braces) - felt good & no problems since

So his healing process was a couple of weeks. He wore a neoprene brace on the injured knee while at work, tried to rest it as much as possible, used lots of muscle rub on it, but the MX knee braces were the key to getting back on the track so soon. They will definately help against hyper-extension.

Just be careful about thinking the knee feels okay after a few days and pushing it and re-injuring it again before you really give it a good chance to heal. My best advice is to give it at least two good weeks to heal.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
The trainer told me today that I had to go see a doctor. He's going to keep me from practicing or playing until I get a doctor's release. He said since it's still bothering me 72 hours later that it's time to go to the doc. So are you guy's saying that I need to look into some braces? I think that Cell's are the way to go. Look good, not too big or heavy, not too expensive, which are all good things. Do they still offer the deal for DRNers on their braces?


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I think they are still eating shipping for DRN'ers.

Once you've been injured, braces are just about a must. MX can bang us around real hard and re-injuries are the worst. Same with football, but you won't be playing that much longer in any instance.


Mar 22, 2001
yzguy, yes we are still taking care of the shipping for members, and it will always remain that way since this i s the best site on the web :) .


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
billy, any advice on my situation?


Mar 25, 2001

Not that the asterisk aren't excellent braces, they are extremely nice and look very comfortable after seeing them first hand at Dirt Week but if you are going to an orthopedic doctor I believe he can write a script for Cti II knee braces (designed by the same person as the asterisk) which will cost you next to nothing provided your insurance covers this type of thing.

The Asterisk is an awesome buy for a person like myself who does not have a current knee injury and would be unable to have a doc write a script for the CTI brace and wants the top of the line in preventive knee protection. The cost is irrelevant for what kind of protection you get out of the Asterisk braces. I will be ordering some in the near future but if I could get the CTI for free by getting a script from a doc, I would have to take him up on it!

Just my opinion.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
The CTi's ARE sweet but to be honest the Cells are better in my opinion. Why? Break your knee cap once and then look at what ANY brace on the market offers and compare it to the patella cup system on the Cells. SOLD!


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Patman that's what I was thinking. Would insurance possibly play for a pair of cell's?


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Originally posted by KC_BigDog_51
an orthopedic doctor I believe he can write a script for Cti II knee braces (designed by the same person as the asterisk) which will cost you next to nothing provided your insurance covers this type of thing.
W/O having surgery it is doubtful insurance will pick up the bill on a brace, let alone 2. I have a CTi2 and the Cells... I will not wear the CTi2 due to the poor patella protection. To me the Cell is way more comfortable too, if I don't have Cells, I don't ride, it's that easy..

A picture is worth a thousand words... I would not want to know the outcome of this if I had not been wearing the Cells (foot hung in a rut). BTW this was 5 months to the day post-op knee grenade. First time back on the moto track.:eek:


  • inside.jpg
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Mar 25, 2001
Would insurance possibly play for a pair of cell's?


Thump, Patman,

Agree with both of you. The Asterisk are very awesome product and have the best overall knee protection of any brace I have seen. There is a reason though that the Cti II braces are only available to the public by getting a prescription from a doctor. They are considered the best. I am sure that the Asterisk will rival it for supremacy in the knee brace world in the years to come.

Just trying to let yzguy know about some other options.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Well I went and saw the doctor this morning, and he got me an appointment to go get an MRI. So I'm going to get an MRI on Thursday Morning at 7. I'm going to talk to the doctor about getting knee braces and what he thinks about them. My parents are a little apprehensive to spend the money. I figure if the doc thinks it'll be a good idea they can help me in paying for them ($550 is cheap, but it's still a lot for a 15 yr. old that's about to be 16 and has car insurance to think about).

What do yall think about me possibly being ready to ride again on Oct. 13, two Saturdays from now? If I do, what do I need to be careful of?

BTW, thanks you guys for all the help so far. I appreciate it a lot. :)


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Actually the reason they are available by perscription is that they are considered to be a medical device, the Cells are not and will not ever be. Innovation (CTi) is a Medical company, Asterisk is not.

Jim Castillo, the founder and chairman of Innovation Sports and creator of the C.T.i II knee brace formed Asterisk out of Innovation to provide products of the same quality at the retail level. Innovation simply can not do that. Take the technology that has gone into the Cti2 since its inception, add in all of the things the designers wanted to do to make it better and you come up with the Cell. Does that mean the Cell is a better brace than the CTi2 for the sport of dirtbiking? In my mind that is a definate yes, but the CTi2 is still a fantastic brace, it just does not offer the kind of impact protection the Cell does. Why? Because it was not designed to.

KC_BigDog_51, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I just wanted to get the facts about the 2 companies out here.


Feb 11, 2001
Well here is the info i can give you. I used to hyper extend my knees about every two weeks playing football. I had torn all the ligaments and some tendons surrounding both knees as well. I went to a special sports medicine doctor and he showed me some exercises to do(mainly with my knee cap I have rotating knee caps as well) I had to wear a brace on both knees for quite some time. I never went and had surgery done on them because I had a friend with whom I had raced BMX with for years have his knee worked on and it was worse then when he started and still is after four more surgeries. So I just worked out and my knees are fine. They hurt from time to time and thats about it. I would suggest putting ice on the underside of your knees where you probably tore some muscle and is sore and wear braces for awhile. Ask your sports therapy person for some exersizes to do, but if i remember correctly you can never get rid of hyperextension you can just strengthen your legs and knees to help avoid it. So good luck
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