I can't clear doubles/table at Elsinore-Vet


Aug 17, 2005
crap, I am a little disappointed in myself. My first ever day at a track and riding seriously. At lake elsinore there are a series of 2 jumps that are right after a small burm. The tables are NOT really flat, but go down in the middle, sort of like a double, but not that far down. I always seemed to land on the 2nd hump/double (which is a hard landing). If I got more speed out of the burm it seems like I would go HIGHER and not much further. IN fact, 3 times I had the "oh, crap" feet off the pegs/hard landing (almost crashing) experience, so even though I know I probably need to hit it faster, in my head, I am just thinking that I will go higher, land harder and crash. In reality I should just go farther and hit the landing and be much smoother (like most the other guys were).

Do I just need to charge harder? When I first got to the track, I was a little gun shy because there were some tables that where >6' in ht, after riding, those aren't the ones I have problems with, it was thse 2 double/table jumps I had the problems with. The other problem is the burm just before the jump sucks and I don't seem to get a lot of momentum coming off it. Maybe I just need more time on the track, since this was my 1st day every. There were a couple of other guys I was passing, so I know I wasn't the only one with a problem, but when I use to race BMX and Down Hill Mountain bikes, Jumping was one of my strengths. Now I seem a little cautious.



Dec 31, 1969
First day ever on a MX track and your bummin for not clearing everything?
Fist advice... patience, practice. Doubles/triples are intimidating.

Try it with some more speed and suck up the jump... the idea is to get more distance without the height. If you can't maintain momentem thu the corner, you just learned that corner skills are in fact important in MX... it's not all about sylin the jumps. Where are most passes made?

Don't keep your legs stiff, let the bike rebound up to you when you leave the jump face.


Aug 5, 2005
wow, first day out and your clearing all but a couple of jumps. That seems pretty solid to me, it's I started riding 3 months ago and have been to riding class 5 or 6 times the last couple of months and just now can clear everything at the track.

Like Oki said, I didn't really get it until I realized it wasn't just guts in the straight away, but technique in the corners before the jumps. I didn't realize how fast you can go with even just a little berm until one of our instructors brought his bike out to a private lesson for my son. This guy weighs about 165 and made that CR450 get over to about 30 degrees and never less than 3rd gear through the turns and then had so much speed that he easily was clearing jumps that I was struggling and only occasionally clearing. The times I get the turn right though, I can get to 4th or 5th before them and clear them no problem.


Sep 28, 2005
yeha like they said, dont be bumbed if its only your first time, you should be bumbeb if it was like your 20th time

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
It's been a year since I was there, but were these out of a right turn with very little run before them, very little room between them, and then another right turn immediately after?

Those were rather technical and I didn't like that part of the track. AAMOF, I liked the "intermediate" track a lot more. It was smoother, had less people, and the jumps were bigger, which made them more predictable. If you're getting separated from the bike at all in the air, you need to dial it back down a notch and get completely comfortable with jumping before hitting doubles/bigger tabletops.


Aug 17, 2005

Gomer, they changed the track a bit a few months ago, but what you are discribing is the EXACT section I am talking about. A very small (useless) small burm, then the 1st jump, then another right after, then a little bit bigger/larger/more useful Burm that turns to the right.

What was the "intermediate" track??

if I am getting seperated on the bike and getting to high, do I need to increase my rebound damping?

(don't take me wrong guys, I didn't expect to get out there and dominate the track, but I was far far from that, and given my experience on BMX, mountain bikes, etc....I thought I would have a little more balls, but I think I was just trying to be a bit safe VS sorry, my buddy that went with me didn't ride-injury, so I really didn't have anyone to follow or give me any tips for follow their line etc.....It was just me and trial and error. I am STILL sore and that was a few days ago, amazing).

btw, I noticed that the guys on 4 strokes were able to jump this area easier, and the guys (just a few)I saw on 2 strokes didn't have as much success/ease. Is this because of how technical the course is and they carry speed better in the section?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
in that situation i find that the difference in clearing it or not for myself is the fact that im already worried about how i want to hit the jump BEFORE i even get to the berm. i tend to overthink the track and if i allow myself ill be trying to set up for the obstacles on the other side of the track, thinking ahead is good part time iguess, because when i focus only on the berm and carrying speed through it, the jump afterwards gets amazingly easy. on the off chance i get cross rutted or i dont like the approach , rolling the jump never hurt anything, thats why they call it practice

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
rodH said:
What was the "intermediate" track??
When you drive in, the vet track is to your right. The "intermediate" track was back in the far left corner.

Here's a couple shots from there:


if I am getting seperated on the bike and getting to high, do I need to increase my rebound damping?
Realistically, as long as it is flying level, I would work more on the technique than the suspension. Even if it was too "springy", you still should not be getting separated from the bike. That is something that will just come with time.

(don't take me wrong guys, I didn't expect to get out there and dominate the track, but I was far far from that, and given my experience on BMX, mountain bikes, etc
I've got 20 years on MX bikes but got my butt kicked by BMX. It is a very different type of riding.


Aug 17, 2005

1. Don't they call that the 'Pro track"?

2. talking about BMX vs MX, ya I know, I used to be able to beat Jeremy McGrath at Orange BMX back in the day. ;) (that was a loooooong time ago)

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Unless they have changed it, I doubt they would call that the pro track.

Again, this was a year ago, but...
Vet track - first track on right.
Kids track - 2nd on right
Main track - straight ahead (longest track with the biggest jumps and tricky rythm sections)
Intermediate track - back left corner
Pro track - back right corner (I think this was replaced by a quad track)


Aug 17, 2005

They changed it

Kids and pit bike track is when you 1st pull in
Vet track on right, right after kids track
Little kids (50cc) next on right
back R corner=Quad track
straight ahead Pro track (I think they combined the Int and Main track to make the Pro track?
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