I knew I was burning gear oil!


Jan 18, 2003
Link to picture

I opened her up and the seal was just sitting in there like that. No wonder it was running like crap.


Apr 10, 2002
PE175, what bike is that picture from?? Also, do you have a rubber boot over the kickstart knuckle on your PE175? If so, can you take a picture of it for me? Thanks.


Jan 18, 2003
JasonWho said:
PE175, what bike is that picture from?? Also, do you have a rubber boot over the kickstart knuckle on your PE175? If so, can you take a picture of it for me? Thanks.

The pic is from the YZ125.
I don't have the rubber boot, sorry, in fact I am looking for a new kicker for the ol 175.


Apr 10, 2002
Jeff Fredette used to recommend putting a PE175 rubber boot on the kickstart knucle to keep dirt out. That is what got me curious. Thanks anyway, though!

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Nice. I remember buying an engine (TS125 as it happens) many years ago for a playbike transplant from this guy who assures me it was rebuilt by a reputable shop. It was v.cheap & I lifted the head to see no seizures & honed barrel so bought it.

Not being hugely trusting I pulled it a bit further apart & found circlip-pliers ring type circlips on the Piston, Hmm don’t think those will last at 9000rpm. Pull the flywheel & -oh looky -I can see the bearing (no seal), . . but they’ve left the bearing dust seal in, maybe they thought that would suffice. Maybe that’s why it didn’t start & they sold it.

Built by a reputable shop? Yeah sure buddy. Time to delve deeper, main bearings aren’t C3, gearbox selector shaft a sloppy fit so needs bushing so it will shift properly. At least it was cheap & I wasn’t some poor kid who couldn’t fix it.

Another funny story was my RZ350 roadbike was gaining gearbox oil. Heck I’ve overfilled the gearbox! What a Klutz, how did I do that? Then it happened again. What the?? Pull cover off & the auto 2 stroke pump’s seal had fallen out allowing the contents of the reservoir to slowly trickle into the gearbox. I glued the seal back in place.
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