I need help


Feb 2, 2007
ight so every one of yall prob will think i am stupid but ever since i can rember i have wanted to race, but i never had the money or support to.....but i finaly got a bike but its 400 so i would be in a 450 class and me being a begenier class rider racing aganst riders that have been riding since they were like three.......so i need some serise advice if anyone can give me some pointers it would be great please i know yall prob arent reposting b/c all of yall are like wow another poser but i not pleas i need all the advioce i can get all my freinds that ride are all leaving for coledge so i have no one to help
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
We love to help people get into the sport. We were once there ourselves trying to learn the ropes.

The best thing is to find people who race and see if you can go with them and they can show you the ropes.

Find out as much about the series as you can and read up on everything.

I hate to bring this up but learn to communicate better with the written word b/c I had a SERIOUSLY hard time reading what you were saying. Nobody is going to help you if they can't understand what you are asking.



Feb 2, 2007
Yea well its still early far me. sorry I will slow down with my typing but thank you so much my freinds all ride and they help me but there getting ready to take it to next level so im left behind and me being a new rider all the riders want to be butt holes and sling dirt at me and its hard to practice when these guys just want to run you over.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Books and videos will help as will practicing what you learn. If the MX guys are a PITA then maybe check out a HS or other off road series and get started there. As a general rule there are less posers and more relaxed people at these types of races.


Jan 27, 2000
motoman880 said:
me being a new rider all the riders want to be butt holes and sling dirt at me and its hard to practice when these guys just want to run you over.

Ignore them. :nod: Most of the guys that roost you or run into you are probably not much better riders than you are. There are always guys like that at the track. Most of them never get out of the beginner or novice class because they are too busy padding their fragile egos by picking on slower riders. They aren't really concerned with learning to go fast.

Just ride your line. Stay to one side of the track or the other until you get some speed. Stay out of the main groove or racing line. The good riders will get around you before you even know they are coming and the squids that just want to mess with you will eventually auger themselves and go away. If one of them won't leave you alone, go over and talk to him. Try to find a track that has a vet or beginner track. The vet tracks will have more riders like yourself just learning and older riders just having fun.

Seat time and a lot of it is the answer to getting faster. The more time you spend on the bike the better you will get. Once you get the basics down look into a riding class. Many tracks have ex-pros that show up and give classes. This is well worth the money if you really want to learn.

Soon you will be much faster than the squids that were messing with you. You can go find one of them and brake-check them to the moon. :ohmy: Then, go over and say, Oops, sorry, you were going so slow I didn't even see you. ;) :fft:

Good luck. :cool:


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Ol'89r said:
There are always guys like that at the track. Most of them never get out of the beginner or novice class because they are too busy padding their fragile egos by picking on slower riders. They aren't really concerned with learning to go fast.

Hey - quit talking about me. :pissed: Next time you ride the Elsinore GP, I'm entering the expert class, just so I can roost you.


Jan 27, 2000
holeshot said:
just so I can roost you.

:ohmy: Promises, promises. ;) :nener:
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