Well, nickyd, Thank's to you, I think I have finally fixed the problem with my grandson's bike. I spent the better part of the day today tearing into the bike, or should I say the carb. mainly. Everything seemed to look fine with it (the carb.), even on a VERY close examination of it. The only thing I did differently this time around with it was that I used a wooden ruler to check the float height, instead of using my vernier caliper, & I'm glad I did too. Because this is what I found... While checking the float height on one side of the float, I put the ruler on the inner lip of the carb float bowl & checked the height, it was ok. So then, I decided to check the other side of the float, & I couldn't get the ruler too go on the inner lip of the float bowl, like I did on the other side, because it would rub on the float, & that's when I noticed that it was just barely bent to one side (****-eyed), & I also found that the part that the float pin goes thou, on the float itself, was opened-up just slightly more on the one side then the other. So that too let the float hang off to the one side even more. But I guess it was tweaked enough to let the float just barely touch the side of the float bowl, enough to hang it up anyway. So after straightening up all that, I put it back together & on the second kick it fired right up, & after adjusting the air screw & idle speed screws a little bit, I had it idling very good & smooth. Oh yeah, while I had the carb.apart again, I decided to change the pilot jet I had in it, since I had an extra one from the other carb that I purchased. It's one size down from what it was. I went from a # 20 to a # 17.5 & I figured since the problem I was having was between idle & 1/8 throttle that I didn't have anything to lose changing it out. But with this newer pilot jet, it didn't run as well as it did before changing it out (the acceleration part anyways). So now I'll have to take the carb apart again & put the old pilot jet back in (the # 20) & I think all of my problems, with the bike, will be gone, or at least I'm hoping anyways. :o)
Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out, nickyd, & I couldn't have done it without your help, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! Can I buy you lunch or something? Thanks again... JT2Fast4u