This may sound completely ridiculous, but this is the first 2 stroke I have owned. It is an 01 Suzuki RM125. The bike starts fine. But after the choke is pushed in, the bike will not idle on it's own. I have to stay on the gas a little to keep it running. When I am done with a ride, I don't need the kill switch, just let go the throttle and it dies. Now, I am thinking "that ain't right", but the manual does not cover that issue. It just has a warning about idleing too high. My 4 stroke just has an idle screw that I could lean over and adjust. Not sure if I should mess with something like that on this bike? If there is one, it is not in an obvious place.
What I have checked is that the plug is fine. Not fouled even though I am just learning to find that powerband and stay there. That and the fuel mixture is correct. It seems to run fine. The only other thing that seems NQR is that if I let it stall after riding a bit, it is harder to kickstart. Any advice appreciated. I may sound like an idiot, but promise to learn from your words of wisdom.