Ignition timing


Nov 17, 2001
I have been working on my brothers old YZ 250. This bike , despite being over 20 years old, is in decent shape. It was a complete ***** to start, however.

I searched out everything on the machine and cleaned the carb. No difference. I finally removed the ignition cover. It was clean, but someone had been playing with the timing.

Just guessing I moved the place to somewhere around the center position. To my surprise, the bike started on the second kick.

Is there a better way of doing this? I hate the guesswork.

bruce j

Dec 14, 2001
To properly set ignition timing, you need a dial guage and the correct timing spec for your bike. Some of these guages can be inserted through the spark plug hole, others require the cylinder head to be removed. The guage is installed so that it measures the movement of the piston. Once the guage is set up, rotate the engine till the piston is exactly at top dead centre, and set the guage to zero. Rotate the engine clockwise ( looking at the ignition side )until the guage reads the proper amount BTDC. The timing marks on the flywheel and case should now be lined up. If they are not, make a new mark on the case in line with the flywheel mark. Pull the flywheel, loosen the stator plate mounting screws, and rotate the stator plate until the mark on the stator plate lines up with your new mark on the case. Put everything back together and go riding!
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