Ignition timing


Jun 25, 2000
In the seek of more top'end of this 250 with virtually non existent top'end comparing to the other 250 2-stroke i have ridden, i took a look on the ignition timing. Its set slightly before TDC maybe just 0.3mm, really hard to tell. Whats the common setting? I read on ericgorr's site that i should only change it 0.7mm thats very hard to see if i change it 0.5 or 1.0mm and as far as i can see how with the ignition wheel(dunno what its called in english) still mounted i cant see any max marks. Do you think i can gain much top'end by advancing it to TDC? How much effect does the ignition timing really have?


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
In short, retarding the timing will give more overrev, advancing the timing will give more midrange "hit" and will fall flat on top.
You can mess with it a little bit, but don't go adjusting it too much in search of a lot of change.
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