indoor mx track

Mar 16, 2007
Please help get this track approved any way you can. They are trying to get the city to approve a indoor mx track in orange county california. I will probably be moving there sometime soon. Theres no where to ride within 2 hours distance from orange county so this track would be ideal. and Huge. please take a look at the website and send a few emails or something to help out and keep the sport going and give people the opportunity to ride year round. every weekend. instead of an occasional 2 hour trip out to the desert. Thanks.

heres the link



Jun 30, 2006
Awsome!!!!! (I live in OC)

there are places within maybe an hour... but still. that would be really great. and its gotta smell really good at an indoor mx track...


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
That is s sweet layout :cool:
Mar 16, 2007
yeah it would be so bad ass to have a track like that. not only do the people of oc need a close location to ride but it would be indoors so you can ride 365 rain or shine. it would be great to see it happen. please do your part to help make it happen. time for the dirtbiking community to get together and make this happen. I emailed all the emails they had listed and Im going to write a letter to the governator.


Apr 18, 2006
If I was on the committee to accept the proposed uses of the hanger I would have serious doubts about the viability of this project.

The "rain or shine" argument is not so much of a selling point in Southern California. It rains so little there that an open field track wouldn't lose that many days.

On the flip side of the coin, it doesn't look like you would get the benefit of the sunshine. The hanger walls look to be rather opaque, I would suspect that it would be rather dark inside even on a bright sunny day. This would mean that you would need lights, lots of lights. The electric bill could be staggering.

I am not sure that I would want to ride in a totally wind free environment. It would be essential that you kept the dirt moist or the dust would be a major problem.

I doubt that the retail outlets in the building would fare well. During a major event they could get a lot of interest, but during the week they would suffer. A fitness center that is more than a few minutes from the home or office would not be very popular. A restaurant????

That artists conception is WAY too bling! Come on, a raging waterfall? Even if the land an building were obtained for free the cost of constructing even a scaled down version of what you have proposed would be staggering. You sure wouldn't recover that investment collecting from a handful of riders a day. What the artists conception lacks are grandstands, which is where you could make some money by hosting some major MX/Supercross type events.

What would you anticipate would be the cost to ride at this place? How many days of the week would it be open? What hours?

If you want us to support your idea then share with us the data you have to back it up. By this I mean the cost to build your layout, the operating cost (this includes insurance, which I am sure would be a lot, electrical, water, payroll, etc). Then tell me how many riders a day you would need to break even.


Jun 9, 2006
It was my understanding that this option was already killed. If not, I'm happily mistaken. However, in most respects I agree with rmc_olderthandirt's assessment. I too would have to see the detailed, well thought out business plan for the facility to gauge it's viability.

I don't live in California but I travel to Tustin (literally within sight of the hangers) at least once a month on business. Often enough that I would buy a another bike and rent storage space so I could ride there when I'm in town.

I wish you luck.
Mar 16, 2007
this isnt my idea. I stumbled accross the website and thought I would post it here to let more people know about it and hopefully support the guy trying to do it. the hangers are close to many people. wouldnt be more than a 10 minute drive.
Mar 16, 2007

I have no idea how many riders a day it would take to brake even or what not. Im not the one behind this track thing. just found the website and wanted to share it. regardless of if its a good idea or not or whatever argument anyone can make, I think everyone should just support the guy and hopefully it works and people will have a place to ride. it does look like a motocross wonderland....but wouldnt it be nice to go to a motocross wonderland :think:
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