I was just surfing and a thought entered my head, what if a dirtbike had a diesel engine, no spark plugs for one...but man it would be hard to start. So I did a search and came up with this military grade bike in Europe. The M1030M1, based on a Kawasaki (I didn't win the sweepstakes :( ) Chassis. Is this the future of cross-country bikes? If you shaved a whole lot of weight off it, could it be a real racing machine?
Actually they are cleaner, last longer, are more reliable, cheaper, and more fuel efficent. This bike gets 170 miles to the gallon! I really want to see a major manufacturer look into this.
Originally posted by KTMNewbie Actually they are cleaner, last longer, are more reliable, cheaper, and more fuel efficent. This bike gets 170 miles to the gallon! I really want to see a major manufacturer look into this.
This is built by a major manufacturer. It's based on a Kawasaki KLX650. We've been jawing about it over HERE.
And as far as diesel emissions, well, they can be made lower, but if you want any power whatsoever (i.e. turn up the fuel), you're gonna see some black smoke. And people complain about the noise from 4-strokes . . .:scream:
You guys ever hear of the EXP2.
Honda had this bike in competition about 6 years ago and it did well.
It was a 2 stroke and yes it diesels on gas. It almost met the Calif. smog requirements as a 2 stroke.
Why don't you have it? It cost a bundle with all the engineering trickery.:D