IT200L Still Smoken ???


Sep 19, 2002
- was using tranny oil = changed crank seal = OK now
- changed stock getting to leaner both pilot & main, also leaned needle.
- using Motul ay 40:1
- measured CDI = lower than manual tolerances ? other opions tell me that if the CDI was gone it would not run at high revs. it does, if anything it is weak low to mid ?
- bike has pretty low hours never rebuilt, stored a lot.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome ?

IT or bust ! for now.


Feb 17, 2001
two of my friends have IT200's, both 85's they both smoke like mudda fudgers (esp when they first start) but they can keep up with me on my cr. Is it still sucking tranny oil or hampering performance? if not, Kick and go! If you need any help on the IT, my friends have great knowlege of these bikes and I can easily get ya help, but thats my opinion as a fellow 2 stroker. My one friend blew a case seal and it sucked oil, but that was kinda obvious because the smoke was ridiculous. I ask them why they think in school tomorrow.

If the CDI goes it wont start, I had one go on my CR a few months back. Klotz and havoline seem to run good in those bikes.


Sep 19, 2002
Thanks !
The Performance seems pretty good, just the oil on the rear fender sucks when i have too pick up the back end. I had another one that did not do this.


Feb 17, 2001
so alot of oil coming out of the exhaust? this is means your probably still rich in the jetting. did you try another oil, it helped my spooge.


Sep 19, 2002
I have tried different oils, but I have been addressing this problem for a couple years now. Just recently I believe I have the jetting sorted the plug looks good now and is no longer fouling plugs. (serveral per ride before)

Does anyone konw how long it would take to burn all the tranny and mix oil that has accumulated over the years. maybe that is what is :worship: happening now ?

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Yeah always a good idea to start with a fresh sheet of paper. Once they get full of goop they would smoke on a 4 stroke.

Clean replace the airfilter & repack the muffler. Put a torch up the exhaust pipe or better yet see if you can find an industrial bath to dip it in to clean the carbon out. If the muffler is stock it may not be repackable design so it may need to be cut open & modified. By this I mean gut it & fit a perforated tube with packing around it. Keep the spark arrester section though. Or splash out on a new muffler. Keep it quiet.

Then you can assess if it is still smoking.


Sep 19, 2002

Thanks for the input.

I will try to clean out the pipe with a torch for starters and see how that works. I have considered the packing option as well. The section that comes out of the mufler is about 6 inches long and curently does not have packing. I was thinking that I could drill holes in that tube then wrap it. I assume that would quient things down a little, are there any other benefits to doing this ? Are there after market pipes still availiable for 84 IT's ?
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