It's Dead


Aug 6, 2001
Well my top-end was almost due but I never bought the kit and put it on earlier like I wanted to, so guess what happened? Yep, you guessed rings gave out and scorned my cylinder. At first I didn't know it was scorned until I took it over to Nathan's (gibbs_6) house to get his dad to hone my cylinder for me. There we noticed that I had a crack halfway across my bridge and also two places where it is scorned. Nathan recently had the same thing and sent his cylinder off to Alabama to Lakeshore Performance to get it resleeved and everything. I think I am going to do the same thing as well. I had already bought a Wiseco Pro-Lite piston kit and installed it and was waiting on my backordered Cometic gaskets to arrive when I found this out. Luckily I didn't install everything already or in a week I would have worn out a $100 top-end job :scream: Another bad thing that happened was when I was removing one of my powervalves, a corner off of the piece of flat metal to keep the powervalves in place that the bolts hold down chipped off. I looked at Yamaha of Troy's online OEM store to see if I could buy that certain part but it only showed the powervalve sold assembled which is like $124.88 :eek: . I don't know if having that piece of metal chipped off will hurt my bikes performance or not, but I re-installed it back into where it goes and it fits in there fine. If maybe any of you know whether my bike will run right or bad with this problem, please tell me. I should have my bike up and running by the middle of May hopefully. I'll try to get pics of my powervalve soon. :confused:


Jul 5, 2001
Bump....bring it over tomorrow or this weekend and I will take pictures for you to give a better description of what broke off.


Aug 6, 2001
Alright, I'll try Friday unless I have to work, or maybe after I get off work Saturday. Thanks :)


Apr 10, 2002
yeah that sucks dude i bought my oem top-end from yamaha of troy too, my friends ring broke off of his 2000 yz125's piston too it was a wiseco pro-lite luckily it didnt score the cylinder wheeew.....


Apr 16, 2002
do 2000 yz125 have a problem breaking rings or is it just worn topends? my friend is checking out a 2000yz125 we saw and he rode it yesterday and its in perfict condition. asnything to look out for?


Mod Ban
Apr 1, 2002
one of my frends has a 2000 YZ 125, a piece of the piston pin broke off, scroed the cylinder beyond all recognition. Well not that bad, be he stil had to buy a 650$(canadian) :scream: Cylinder and then anpother piston on top of that.


May 21, 2001
Can somebody with a more technical background explain why this is happening (ERIC)
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