It's official, no Team USA at the MxDN!


Nov 11, 2003
Just read this on Mototalk, haven't seen a press release yet but it appears we are out. :(



Feb 29, 2000
Really don't know what the AMA's problem is in getting a team put together, including, alternates, early in the year. Every year it's the same thing, wait till the last minute to try and put everything together. Seems the ISDE and Trials guys have their act together. Maybe Steve Whitelock should talk with him on how to get it done.

Hell, all he'd have to do is at a the first sx rider's meeting ask for anyone interested in going to signup. Do something like the Ryder Cup selection based the final decision on points accumulated during the season for those rider's that want to go.


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
Super rat are you trying to stir up the s...pot with that Alessi comment.

It's pitiful that we can't get a team together.


Sep 29, 1999
Racing in Evert s home was too dangerous for US team.
The sand was prepared for Americans and they prefer to quit.
Absent are always wrong..
I preferred to see a good battle with Belgium..


Nov 11, 2003
damon said:
Racing in Evert s home was too dangerous for US team.
The sand was prepared for Americans and they prefer to quit.
Absent are always wrong..
I preferred to see a good battle with Belgium..

I agree partly, RC is a sand master, he would easily beat Everts.However, Everts would spank every other American or other country rider sent by a mile and a half.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
mxer842 said:
I agree partly, RC is a sand master, he would easily beat Everts.However, Everts would spank every other American or other country rider sent by a mile and a half.

Dude!, rc, Bubba(on his 125), Dowd and Alessi would wax Everts. Kdub has also.


Nov 11, 2003
Very true, but RC was looking like the only big-name rider to be going. If it had been the US dream team, then Everts wouldn't even make the podium.

Alessi and Dowd though, are you trying to bring down Marcus and BC's wrath? :moon:


Jan 9, 2000
I think he means the track layout suited the americans with the long whoop section.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Damn, 'rat--you're gettin' viscious these days. Next time you decide to stop drinking, give me a call--I'll set you up with a valium taper.

Everts would spank every other American or other country rider sent by a mile and a half.

I think Pichon would have something to say about that. They've been trading moto wins these days. I think Everts is slowing down, though.


Sep 10, 2003
Well, the point is kinda moot, without someone there competing then we're just a DNS. Pretty pathetic really as the MXDN should be if not a priority then at least a requirement and I find it pretty offensive we are not fielding a team. Okie's analogy of the Olympics is spot on in the sense that it is the history and the spirit of the event that sets the tone, doesn't matter if we send superstars just some good district pro's/privateers would be fine, all the money floating around in this sport and we're a no show - very poor and arrogant, no not arrogant - inconsiderate would be the more appropriate word. The promoter and the track are another issue that needs to be addressed but you gotta take the hand dealt out to start with. My two pennies worth.


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
HobRoff said:
not arrogant - inconsiderate would be the more appropriate word. The promoter and the track are another issue that needs to be addressed but you gotta take the hand dealt out to start with. My two pennies worth.

It's a shame that we didn't even send a team. I didn't know what word I was looking for over the last couple of weeks to describe my feelings and I think that you hit the nail on the head. It is inconsiderate and arrogant.

The MX world in America has followed along the same line I think our culture is heading. It's me first and everyone else or national pride second. I can understand that the seasons are longer here now days and testing is vital to the next seasons set-up and performance, but I guess I don't really get how much it would take away from their testing.

I really do miss the old days when Americans could put selfishness aside to do something to represent their country, not just in MX but life in genera. :think: :think:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001

Life (or the risk of lives) in general is probably what has kept quite a few team managers from urging their riders to go over to Europe. I know w/ the security risks of traveling overseas (remember how much us USA citizens are hated right now), I don't even consider traveling overseas right now. Sometimes it seems like we forget the bigger picture going on right now...even bigger than MX pride.

DAMON, sorry...I truly love visiting your country, but no way over the past 3 years have I wanted to travel back to it...its just too dangerous. If somebody wants to make the argument that it is knee-jerk reactionism, well I guess that is their right...but did anybody notice the amount of security at the Olypics? Its not that we are thumbing our noses at it, its just a tough time to trek overseas. So if asbence is wrong, well that is something I guess we can live with. I would rather deal w/ that than an American being made an example of b/c security measures were too expensive/not adequate for safe passage.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Secondly, not to pick on you Randy, but I think your argument about national pride being "second"...national pride is actually incredibly high after the 9/11 attacks. Maybe peopel just have a little more "domestic interest"...its pretty natural for a culture to revaluate global priority after an attack like that.

I still think it comes down to $$$ needed to travel to Euro, plus keep the team safe. MX doesn't have the huge pockets of the Olympics


Sep 10, 2003
I don't buy the fear thing and if it is a motivating factor then it's pretty chicken sh@t, post 911 world requires Americans to stay the course. I have a friend guiding international adventure trips and the trip attendance is on par, except for the climbing trips to Afghanistan and Iraq, those had to go on the back burner for awhile and as one European ambassador stated "Were all New Yorkers now".

Europe is pretty safe and it is not the American citizen that is disliked so much as it is our current administration, this is all stuff for another board but I think we owe it to the sport to be represented not only at the MXdN but in the entire Euro GP circuit, many would feel like they were being sent to the Eastern Front but there is absolutly no reason why it shouldn't be as exciting and profitable as our outdoor National circuit, it is only a matter of marketing and we certainly are the king of that, and afterall it is MOTOCROSS!!!!. :aj: I know there is a ton of kids over there that are going to be disappointed, my how times have changed.
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