Kawasaki 2T oil at Big Lots?? Any Good?


Dec 5, 2009
I was thrifty browsing the local Big Lots, when I came across this in the automotive section. I will qualify this by saying that I do not usually buy anything automotive from Big Lots. I just always scan for reputable brand bargains.
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Apr 3, 2009
Two bucks a quart? I'd run it! (provided I opened it up and it didn't have some kind of sediment or smell like varnish or something)...

I'm in the "oil is oil" camp. I run full synthetic in my car (oil cooled turbo) and minivan (Toyota V6 with a reputation for sludging) and street bike (air cooled high performance VTwin) because they need full synthetic.

But for two stroke oil, where the oil has to last exactly one stroke of the piston, I don't think full synthetic or super premium brands do anything but burn holes in my wallet.

I'll have to run up to my local big lots and see if they have any...


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
it's a KDX. You can damn near run chainsaw bar oil and make it work.


Mar 29, 2009
I'm with you reepicheep oil is oil in my bike and kawasaki oil at 2 bucks a quart, I would buy 10 of them.


Feb 20, 2010
Has anyone seen this at big lots recently?

If so, could you please give me the UPC number on the price label? I called Big Lots near me and the manager cannot locate it but said if I gave him the UPC off the receipt or price tag they could check for me.



Jun 10, 2009
I'm very glad that this post has come out I have been buying oil at £9.80 a liter and have been finding the cost is making a big dent in my pocket,I have found some shell oil for £2.99 a liter but was not sure if it was safe to run.I did buy some but then thought "No go back to the £9.80 stuff".
I might now give it a go.
I run 1-40 but I had thought about running 1-32 just in case.
What do you all think ?
Jono KDX 220


Apr 3, 2009
Jono... is the shell oil 2 stroke oil? Or just motor oil? I'm pretty cheap, but even I would draw the line at just throwing motor oil into my gas...

Here in the states Castrol makes a decent 2 stroke oil that seemed to be working fine for me (if a little messy, but that could have been because my jetting was such a mess).


Jun 10, 2009
Hi no this is the real 2 stroke deal its Shell advance SX it's for premix and has a nice red glow to it.
I was finding that with the price of petrol ( gas ) plus the oil cost every fill up was costing me around £14.00 or $20.00 ,not cheap when your running the family on a budget.
I have started buying the oil up and selling it on to mates.If I can cover my cost and make a bit it will keep the little lady happy.
Ride safe Jono
KDX 220 2003 UK


Mar 14, 2008
We usually run either MX2T, Yamalube, or Golden Spectro. It's just what they shops have so we run it. I keep getting a ton of spooge on the air box and where the pipe meets the silencer. Yes, it comes through the rubber seal too. Its sorta pissin me off but i think im gonna lean it out soon. see if that helps. I also need to know how to start a thread. anyone know how and wouldnt mind telling me? im running 40:1 so that probably is a little much.


Dec 5, 2009
Receipt Info - 2T oil from Big Lots


Here is a copy of a receipt for the Kawi 2T oil from BigLots. I hope that this helps you get your hands on some.


Apr 10, 2010
Not all 2 stroke oil is the same. I'm sure that Kawasaki brand oil is good stuff. Just make sure that it for motorcycles and not some BIA stuff for jet skis and outboards. Some oils run dirtier than other oils and can stick your power valves all up with carbon so that they don't move anymore. Some oils can be diluted quite thin and still protect your engine better than others. Some will foul your plug at a dilution that another brand won't.

I ran petroleum based two stroke oil for years in my KXs and KDXs. But I tried some Motorex full synthetic about five years ago and I run it at 60:1 in all my two stroke bikes. It is the cleanest running, least smokey oil that I have ever used and when I went to change out the piston and rings after four years of trail riding on my 2001 KDX220, the top end had very little wear, blow by or carbon in it anywhere. I only change the spark plug when I rebuild the engine, and I only do it then because I'm putting all the other new stuff in. The Motorex does cost a lot of money, but I like what it does for my engine. Besides, it smells wonderful when it's burning. :cool:


Jun 10, 2009
Hi just wanted to add to this link the Shell SX oil I have bought is WAY thiner than the Silkoline that I have been using. I have gone with 32-1 in the hope that it will protect .The slikoline did take a long time to mix in with the petrol / Gas but the shell mixes within seconds.Th slikoline felt like oil when you stuck your finger in it but the shell feels very light.
Any views on this ?


Apr 10, 2010
Some two stroke oils have more disbursing agents in them than others. Most petroleum base oils have a solvent mixed in with them so that they are sort of pre-diluted to make them mix easier with the gasoline.
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