I have a 1998 KDX200. On tickover the revs increase/decrease
on their own, also when coming to a halt when riding the revs stay high for a time. I've checked fuel, filter, air leak (sprayed with WD40 no effect)cleaned carb with no joy. She fires up ok and on full throttle goes fine....Its got the KDX 'rattle' which is a little quieter when pulling the clutch in, could it be mains seals leaking, losing vacuum causing bad carburation? Any ideas,thanks for reading... Muckyduck
on their own, also when coming to a halt when riding the revs stay high for a time. I've checked fuel, filter, air leak (sprayed with WD40 no effect)cleaned carb with no joy. She fires up ok and on full throttle goes fine....Its got the KDX 'rattle' which is a little quieter when pulling the clutch in, could it be mains seals leaking, losing vacuum causing bad carburation? Any ideas,thanks for reading... Muckyduck