Killswitch issues


Mar 30, 2006
I just picked up an 1989 YZ250 and it needs a couple little things like some brake pads and a killswitch. The bike has tons of spark and runs but the killswitch doesnt work at all. I checked all the connections and they were hooked up. The person who had it before me looked like they fell and split both wires then spliced them back together. Theyre hooked up black/white to black/white and black to black so it should work. But even if I take the two wires and touch them together I still get tons of spark. Is this just my killswitch thats screwed up or is it somewheres else down the electrical line?


Apr 18, 2006
A new kill switch is like $17 from Yamaha. I know, I just replaced mine.

Like 84cr125 said, an ohm meter will check out the switch real quick. If you don't have an ohm meter then you could also try disconnecting the switch, then shorting the two wires from the bike's wiring harness together and see if that kills the spark. If you still get spark with the wires shorted together then there is probably a break in one of the wires.



Mar 30, 2006
Yeah I tried touching the two wires together and still nothing. I know i'm going to end up buying a new one but wednesday for thursday i'll take it down to my dad's buddies whos a mechanic and get the electrics checked out.
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