KIPS Question.


Mar 3, 2003
I have read that "On the late model 80-125cc KXs, the KIPS is relatively simple relying on a wedge valve and flapper. This system is self-scraping so it requires little maintenance. In the first year of operation (1998) the KIPS system was plagued with failures like the pin breaking on the flapper, the valve receding into the cylinder and contacting the piston, and over-extension of the valve causing c o c k and jam."
Now my question is I own a 98 KDX200 and I know it says for "80-125cc KXs" but is my KIPS in this failure catagory? Or of the same design? Thanks to all and to all a safe ride.


Mar 27, 2002
I purchased a 96KDX200 motor for my hybird. Once the project was complete and I started the motor...there was an awful racket.

Inspection proved that holder-valve wore where the main-valve slides allowing side-to-side movement of the main-valve. The cylinder (where the holder-valve seats and is bolted) wore out enough allowing the entire assembly to drop deeper into the exhaust port. The bolts were no longer tight on the holder-valve allowing the assembly to chatter in it's seat. These factors allowed the outter tips of the main-valve to chatter on the piston and even chipped the top edges of the piston.

Rare........ but it can happen.
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