Considering a move to Klamath Falls, Oregon. Can anyone give me some info on what offroad riding access is like in the area? I ride B level enduro and enjoy trail riding. Thanks in advance for your replies.
Work was going to send there too. The company I work for has a new building there, but I don't like the area or the riding. Having grown up in Southern California, It rains too much for me. So I'm staying here in San Diego county.!:p
Hope your married, because the woman situation there is not pretty!:p
J_dem_Bones, Yeah, married, 3 kids (two who ride), and a dog so I'm set. Hey I used to be a neighbor, having grown up in Carlsbad. I can see where S. oregon would be a little too tame for a North County native.
Depending on what type of riding you prefer there should be a lot to choose from within a couple hours in every direction.
Check out the following web pages for some idea's.
Good luck and happy trails.;)
HAHA.too funny.
Ya they are having water issues there in Klamath. It's not good!!:scream:
Well I was born in El Cajon, now live in the sticks of Escondido...:D
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