Knee Braces for kids?


Oct 28, 2001
If any parents out there have their kids wearing knee braces what type are they wearing? I'm looking at the EVS RS-7 or Web braces. CTI's are just too expensive.

Thanks Kurt


May 22, 2002
Been thinking about it myself, but I am finding most are too expensive. I know you can't put a price on safety, but some are way out there. Let me know what you end up with and how much they were.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
We have thekid wearing Asterisk Cells. He messed his knee up 3 seasons ago and no way we will chance it again. Our rules also are he cannot start the bike without helmet, boots and braces.
If you do go with Cells be sure to use a caliper to measure the inside to outside diameter on both knees- this made a big differance in which size we needed for him.


Feb 29, 2000
My 9yr old son used the EVS AMX5 brace this past season. Worked a lot better than the old XO-Skeleton braces. Son was able to get around while walking a lot better and he felt like he had more flexibility on the bike as well. Protected the knee very well also.

We'll be going to the new EVS Web brace for '03. Have seen too many rider's that we know sustain broken femurs due to the knee braces. The Web braces have builtin crumple zones to protect against breaking the femur.


Sep 18, 2002
My 14 yr old wears the AMX5 as well. We couldn't justify the difference in price, knowing he would only be able to wear them a season or two. We have been very pleased with the protection and comfort. He's bailed a couple of times (looped out on jumps) and I just knew his knees were goners. But, the braces did as advertised.

Some insurance companies will pay for the braces (mine won't). I know CTi is good about helping out in this area, and the others may as well. The AMX5 is about $270.00 for a pair. The other guys are twice as much or more. The look is very low tech compared to the higher priced versions, but nobody sees them anyway. I am interested in finding out more about the "crumple zone" though. If the force is great enough, something has to give.

I don't let him ride without them.


Jan 10, 2001
I wear the RS-7s and like them very well. fit good and got used to them as soon as I started wearing them.


Nov 4, 2002
We have two boys that race, one age 8 that has evs rs-7 and a 10 year old that has cti c-180 rockets braces. The evs brace works better fitting into the kids size boots. THe older boy has bigger boots and it is not as much of a problem. They are a requirerment at our house becase we have seen many kids injured and they can not repair the ligaments unitl they are full grown.


Apr 17, 2001
I cant believe that you guys think that a few hundred $$$ is too expensive for braces. I'll admit I'm on my soapbox but knees are very important. I have seen stacks of kids blow their knees and its expensive medical work, here in Australia about $6,000 a knee. If you have medical cover it still leaves a hole in the pocket. Yet I have to listen to parents complain "Braces are expensive" "Cant afford them" yet the kid has the latest sticker kit, the latest gear, a silly flashing light on his helmet and other non essentials on the bike..... The few $$ spent can be partially regained by selling on when they grow out of them and often medical cover will partially pay for them. You might even make a profit on them. I know two parents who have done that.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
ACS :thumb: you hit it exactly. MX is dangerous enough that any realistic safety equipment is essential. I know the braces are expensive and not all can afford them but if you can save up and then use them. I know when thekid is to big for his Cells they will sell quick and that will be used to upsize him.
I have bad knees from skiing for years and at DW I blewout my left knee. I bought braces for my son but skimped for myself because "I never go fast enough to get hurt :) ". The pain and rehab I am going thru is something that I hope to prevent my son from experiencing (we got the braces 2 years ago after he tweaked his knee and got laid up for a month). Aside from that the everyday pain I have in my "good" knee is the result of years of unprotected abuse.
Come to think of it Asterisk Cells $540 divided by 2 seasons already (and he will still fit them next year) = $270 per year. Which then after next year is down to $180 per year. then sell them for a couple hundred it is cheap insurance
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