Kouba-Links A must for Performance


Feb 22, 2003
If you don't have these you are Missing Out. These Dog-Bones are a Must have. I Just put a set on and reajusted the rear end And Man these little things Rock. You know the KDX is a Bad Wheel Hopper on Down Hills and Hard Braking the rear end Just Chatter's Like Krazy, Now No more Chatter Just smooth Braking, Also it change the ratio on the linkage for the better IMO, It handles Roots and Ruts better and is more Stable at Higher speeds. Nows Here's the part I like the Best, In a 2-hour Race Harescramble when you need to sit Down NO More Sore Tail after the race or the next day at work, Made racing more enjoyable, Made 4 laps on a 8.3 mile course, They Will Inprove your Riding Level and Skill, They Help Me, Just wanted to share this Infor Ride report for You KDX-ERS.


Feb 22, 2003
Yes you can make them real easy weld the holes and redrill 3 to 6 millimeters apart But, when I contacted Kouba, He sent the links and I sent NO Money, I contacted Him again and he said to try them out and see what I thought about them. Since they were on the bike, I was to lazy to send them back so I sent him a Check they were 75 dallors.


Nov 7, 2000
I have some for my DR and they cured a rear swap problem with ruff terrain at a faster pace. with the DR the links put more leverage on the rear so you need a bit of a heavier spring. I replace mine with the recomended weight from norm and I have yet to bottom the rear. Works great :thumb:


Jul 19, 2003
Help! I'm a little confused. Are these links made to lower you bike or to improve the rear suspension.....or both? I noticed on their web site that you could get them in 3 different sizes. If I bought some just to improve my suspension and didn't care about lowering my bike, what size would I get? Probably the KDX #1's since they lower the least? Can you reset your sag so they don't lower your bike at all or does that ruin the benefit of the links?
Thanks for the help!


Jul 29, 2000
South America
On my bike I first tried 6mm longer and the wheel was bottoming on the fender coming down from jumps.
I haven't noticed much change in the suspension, just in the handling.
Sag changes can be made to offset the rear end height reduction, but then you'd eliminate the handling improvement (except when landing from jumps because then the rear end is fully extended before touchdown).

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