KTM Parts Availability?


Apr 15, 2007
Can anyone tell me how easy it is to get "regular" parts for a KTM?

A few KTM 200's have popped up in my looking, and it seems like it would be a a great bike for me. But I'm concerned about being able to get replacement parts, especially for an odd size like a 200.

The city I'm working in right now has Honda, Kawi, Yamaha and Suzuki dealers, but no KTM. So would(or rather should) I be able to get parts through any of them? I know I could order online, but would like to have a local solution aswell.


Sep 25, 2006
i always find that you should buy i bike (if new) from wichever dealer is the best. if you strike a good relationship with a dealer you are golden. so..ifyou have a good dealer then parts shouldnt be a problem. iam from canada and have neevr had problems finding parts for my ktms. on teh other hand you dont have a ktm dealer close so that casues a problem. id say buy a brand that you have a dealer for just to save trouble.
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