Las Vegas - help?


Aug 29, 2001
Ok - a bit of a strange request here.

I'm coming to Vegas in early april for a few days for a business conference. It means I've got a couple of days spare to do whatever. It is my first visit to the US (outside of the transit lounge at LAX), so I want to see as much as I can. I would have liked to extend my visit for another week, but I have some family committments that I have to get home for.

As part of the conference I guess we'll spend some time up and down the strip drinking, gambling, and generally looking at stuff etc.

The problem I'm having is that there is just so much to do and see in such a hopelessly short period (two and a half days) that I need someone to give me some hints on what would be the best experiences (!).

I was thinking of spending one day going on one of those helicopter/plane rides down to the Grand Canyon, but will see how booked out it is when I get there.

Can any of you locals give me some helpful ideas??



Aug 29, 2001
I'm not able to ride a bike at the moment because of some back problems - so any dirt bike tours are out for me :uh:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

Don't live there but have been there. In my book one must do was the trip to Hoover Dam. A very interesting story about man conquering nature. Be sure and take the "long" tour that takes you all through the dam.

Regarding the helicopter tour. Don't wait to make your reservations for the trip if you really want to go. April is probably one of the most popular months of spring in the desert southwest and the Grand Canyon should be in full bloom. You might find all the flights booked up if you wait. Some also have fixed wing flights as well.

Grand Canyon Tour Company

Maverick Helicopter Tours

Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters

Darn the luck on the bike tour. I seem to remember a member or three has taken a bike tour and wrote highly of the trip. It is in here somewhere. CaptainObvious if I remember correctly.


Aug 29, 2001
Thanks very much Tony - I'll book things as soon as I can confirm my flight arrival times etc.


Sep 3, 2004
Go to some las vegas web sites, they have all the info you need on shows and the such. The helecopter ride is cool, but if you really want to see some cool stuff take a hummer tour of the desert, that rocks.
And if by chance you find your way to crazy horse 2 make sure you say hi to Mandy lol.


Jul 31, 2000
I highly recommend the Saphire and the Crazy Horse:)
Yes, the bike trips were awesome, and yes, the Captain did a write up on it - with pictures.
I just came back from there again last week and rented crotch rockets (CBR 600) for a day. Had a great ride on those (over 400 miles in a day).


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Wayne if you don't do anything else go to see one of the Cirque de Soleil shows!!! I was not looking forward to it but my wife really wanted to so since I was there with the DRN crew for the SX I figured I needed to appease her. It flat ot ROCKED! Order tickets now because they are usually hard to obtain unless you are staying at one of the resorts that hosts the show. We stayed at Treasure Island so the hooked us up with seats to Mystere' but it wasn't easy to get done. Check out their site for shows and tickets you will not bee sorry. Also go to the Venetian and check out the Guggenheim exhibits! Not sure which ones are currently there but "The Art of the Motorcycle" was AWESOME! I believe they might have both an Egyptian and an Art exhibit currently, anything they have will be a great experience. Just checking out the different resorts is impressive as well. Again the Venetian is my favorite place just to walk around and look at stuff.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Tony Eeds said:
... I seem to remember a member or three has taken a bike tour and wrote highly of the trip. It is in here somewhere. CaptainObvious if I remember correctly.
Captain's tour report here:

My Vegas tour report here:

It's really too bad you can't ride out there.... it's spectacular, especially if you don't normally ride in that kind of terrain.

I did the same thing as Patman.... went with the wife to a cirque du soleil show - The 'O' Show at the Bellagio (after the U.S. Open though! :aj: ) Very unique, very cool. Completely different than anything you've seen. Expensive, but definitely worth seeing.

Last edited:


Aug 29, 2001
Thanks guys. I did manage to go to one of Cirque du Soleil's shows when it came to NZ a couple of years ago - and unsurprisingly really enjoyed it. After a bit more research there are four different shows on in Las Vegas while I'm there! I would really love to go on a bike tour somewhere, but my back isn't feeling real good - and I definitely don't want to wreck it any more just at the moment.
So the Crazy Horse is another top attraction? I can't seem to bring their web site up because my firewall keeps blocking "sexually explicit material". Hmmmm


Mar 19, 2005
I used to live in vegas. Cool town. I miss it. Unfortunately I never took advantage of the entertainment there. Stayed away from the strip and all the tourists lol. If you want real entertainment go to the cathouses out in Pahrump :)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Wayne I can't comment on the other shows but have heard good reviews about "O" and "Ka" and "Zumanity" but Zumanity might not be your cup of tea so check on it first.


Aug 29, 2001
I'm fairly open minded so will have a look at the blurb for each show - thanks for the warning though.

Patman - have you got a trials bike yet?? I managed to bend my one quite a bit the other day, but apart from being uncoordinated, I'm really enjoying the old Beta. The new four srtoke Monty's seem to be quite good, although I haven't managed to have a ride of one yet. Maybe when my back gets a bit better.............should be 2010 or so :-(


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
No trials bike yet but I'm working on it. If I could get the venture in my signature to fly I'd be looking for one though.


Dec 17, 2003
Come look at the Bellagio when you get out here. I work at the hotel and can give you a look at the fountains @ Bellagio. When you come in to the hotel go to a house phone and call 7199. Ask for Rick. Tuesday-Saturday till 130pm


Aug 29, 2001
Cool - thanks Rick. I'll definitely come over and have a look. I may need to buy some more memory cards for the camera.


Aug 29, 2001
I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to come and find you while I was in Vegas. My schedule seemed to keep getting fuller and fuller every moment that I was there! (the guys kept getting VIP passes into several of the night clubs while we were there). I did get to see the "water feature" though, both in the daytime and at night. It sure was imperssive, and scared the crap out of me one time when I was walking down the strip and came around the corner as it was just starting up!!
Anyway thanks very much for your offer, I really appreciate it.



Aug 29, 2001
I also did the "Maverick" helicopter tour to the Grand Canyon and can highly recommend it....and the conference that I went to had a limited show from Cirque du Soleil "O" going on one evening.

What a week!! I will need some time to dry out my liver again and catch up with some sleep. I think I averaged maybe 3 hours of sleep per night, so I am really feeling my age plus another 20 years this week. I did have a great time in my first little adventure into the US......
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