Latest crap...

Dirty Dave

Sponsoring Member
Jul 31, 1999
Hasn't anyone been reading the latest AMA alerts?!?! :yell: There is a lot to be P.O.'d about in Washington DC since 02/23 (the last post) that will effect the whole National Forest(NFS) /BLM operating rules. You had better catch up on the news and start writing your Reps. For instance during a recent meeting in DC, the Gov. of New Mexico was pushing the Dept of Interior to move forward with designating a crapload of new National Monuments without public/congressional input, after which, 12 million acres of currently open land in 11 Western States will close to all motorized recreation with the stroke of Obama's pen! They are also thinking of changing the overall plan/direction of the management of the NFS to 'restoration' instead of 'recreation'. It doesn't take much thought to figure out where that will lead. Let's all get with the letter writing program. Fill your state's Senator(s) and House Rep's email folder demanding they 'Get their head out' and listen to our input. I'll bet there are a sh!t load of dirt bike owners who have never written/called/emailed their Gov officials concerning our right to ride. :ride: I know how this is going to be read... :blah: . But... thanks DRN for the space to rant. :cool:


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
alot of us have no idea who to write, for example, in Mi. who would i write? stabenow, levin?? those asses blow us off like were carpenter ants, whats the point


Apr 13, 2010
seriously, i cant ride on the levi by my house anymore because its "too close to a tree farm". seriously?! i cant ride my bike on a levi because of a tree? a green sticker bike. tree huggers should be aloud to only hug one tree so the rest of us can live our lives an ride.

Dirty Dave

Sponsoring Member
Jul 31, 1999
Where to write...

ellandoh said:
alot of us have no idea who to write, for example, in Mi. who would i write? stabenow, levin?? those asses blow us off like were carpenter ants, whats the point
You and all your riding buds log on to the AMA site and join the action alert and then flood your senator's and house rep's email boxs on every issue that comes up.Then join the Blue Ribbon Coalition(BRC) and your $25 per year helps them send their friendly legal types all over the country to speak for us. Seriously join BRC. :cool: The best bang for the riding dollar. :nod:


Jan 27, 2000
Dirty Dave.

While I agree joining the BRC is a great way to get involved, writing our representatives in Washington is a waste of time. The problem is, the people in Washington don't care. They have an agenda that doesn't include us. This is nothing more than a land grab. Most of the places they are trying to shut down are rich in resources. Oil, natural gas, gold, silver, etc, etc, etc. The real reason for closing public land to the public is to protect and control the resources for themselves. Look at what's going on in Moab right now.

Many of us have been involved with fighting this for many years only to be ignored or bashed as non-environmental hooligans. The AMA has been woefully inadequate in fighting for our rights. They are too busy fighting for the rights of Harley riders to not have to wear helmets. Writing them is about as usefull as writing Barbara Boxer or Feinstein. That is not true on the local district level. AMA District 37 has been very involved with fighting land closures as well as the people in other districts. But, the AMA as a parent organization is about as worthless as the dictators in Washington. They too have lost touch with the very people they represent.

IMO, what has to be done is replace those in Washington that want to control every aspect of our lives with those that actually care about 'We the People'.

In November we get a chance to make real change in this country. We had all better step up to the plate and MAKE THAT HAPPEN or finding a place to ride our dirtbikes will be the least of our worries.

AMA# 055255
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