leaner needle:


Dec 3, 2002
Not unless you can say specifically where you want it leaner (diameter, length, or taper) and state your bike model and year.


Mar 17, 2002
no clue on were i need it leaner on the needle. i have a 97 kdx 220. stock bore on the carb, 38 pilot and 140 main. thanks

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
i didnt know needles came in different styles like that, i thought they were either thicker or thinner, and thats it..... how would you read the numbers to know where the changes are on the needle? and where do you buy them?


Oct 14, 1999
re: 'I didn't know...' Oh Boy!! You have tons of fun ahead of you!!;)

Read the archived RB carb thread for some excellent input from JD, fishhead and dan. Also the RB thread on the top of this forum. And, yes, the needle decode info on CDave's justkdx page.

Before you know what 'one stop leaner' is, you need to know what you've got. Yes, you asked about one leaner than stock..but do you know that is what's in your bike?

Besides the 'leaner where?' part...notice the stock needle for the 200/220 isn't the same.

You can get needles from sudco for $5 a piece. Consider which direction you wanna go, order several needles to experiment with.

Consider changing the whole needle profile. A 'C' needle...say around a CEL or so will knock your socks off!

You can change the personality of your kdx with a simple needle change. You can change it from a hard hitting/can't hang on ride to a strong pulling smoothie.

Take your pick!
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