Legends of Motocross: Charlie Morey


Aug 29, 2009
Okay- so I am little new to this Facebooking stuff, and scoffed at it for years...but recently joined at my daughter's request. One of our DRN brethen (Vintage Dirt) shared a photoalbum of another Facebook person. I thought the photoalbum was supercool, and shared out with my friends, and so it goes ricocheting across the facebook internet. The place where the kids typically have 700 "friends" and photoalbums of about the same size.

I also emailed it out to a few special friends, afraid to post here because I'm new to the sport and didn't know who this guy was. Turns out he's kinda famous, and yup, I was once again an overexcited dummy wanting to share my enthusiasm with friends.

I cannot share the facebook page, but as it turns out the guy is a professional photographer, and formerly editor of motorcycle magazine (dah)...I'm sure you knowledgeable veteran geezers will find something interesting to say about his days in the business, good or bad...or scoff at my newbie innocent ignorance because this has been posted a hundred times....read no further if it offends you.

But for the less jaded and new to the whole thing or those who just never get tired of classics... with a lot of awe in their eyes and enthusiasm in their hearts for this dirt thing- here is a link to "The Legends of Motocross" circa mid-70s.


Whether you like the guy or hate the guy (from some part of motorcycle history I know nothing of- he makes beautiful art. Enjoy.

And yes Charlie and I are now friends on Facebook. lol. jk. No...Wait...No I'm not kidding. lol. :rotfl:
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