at 5:01 on 1/16 I became the father of the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen. After a very difficult 18 hr induced labor, vaccum extractor, and all, what a relief. I sobbed the whole next day. It really sunk in when just after delivery I had to go to the admitting desk to sign the treatment authorization for MY child. Holy cow, what a wonderful day.
I got twins right out of the chute first time. Now THAT is a life changing experience. Then, since I didn't figure out what causes this the first time, I came up with 2 more boys, separate births at least. So I have to buy 4 pw50s. I think I need to go thru with "THE PROCEDURE." LOL.
Congrats, yardpro! :cool: WTF is a vacuum extractor? Is that the big suction cup thingy that they stick on the baby's head? Did he make a big "PLOOP" sound when he came out?
Awesome!!! I remember that same thing happening to me, now my "little guy" is 10 and has been ridding with me for 5 years. Careful they grow up way to quick!
Congratulations Yardpro. My boy is 10 now too. Amazing how time flies. My wife and I still laugh to this day about our first day home with the baby. At the hospital and the first day home there were people in and out all day long coming to visit and see the new baby. Then the last visitor left and we were alone for the first time. We looked at the baby then at each other and were like "OK - now what?":eek: Very scary but we have survived so far:confused:
Congrats on the new life! Others have said it, I'll echo.. enjoy every day, they go fast! Best of everything to your new family and kiss the wife, she did just perform a miracle afterall.
I know it has been said before but you will soon find that there is nothing like it in the world. My son is 1 1/2 and he never fails to amaze me. Post some pics as soon as you have them!
Congrats! I think it was the best day in my life too! Just remember the day so that when they do something REALLY dumb..... well that will happen more than once or twice :) Just remember the day.