looking for bike/bikes


Aug 6, 2003
i am looking to rent, borrow, steal, or last resort buy 1-3 kdx 220's in brazil for the i.s.d.e. there. anyhelp would be appreciated. thansk, jeff fredette


Jan 23, 2003
Jeff why dont you ship you bike down there? I know it can be kind of costly but come on its i.s.d.e!!! Can't you find a Kawasaki dealer down there? I would search the internet. You've probably already thought about all that stuff but I hope this helps anyway!



Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Jeff, sorry to interrupt your post, but I'd like to ask why you're asking for 220's? On your setting up the KDX video (which I know was filmed preparing the bike for yet another ISDE medal) I'm sure you were using a 200?

Good luck in finding bikes. Knox, Jeff has been known to post here in the past and considering Canadian Dave was asking on his behalf last week, it's not such a funny post :)


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
This is the first and only post by kddoc. Click the search just below his post to see. So, unless he forgot his logon and created a new one, I can appreciate KnoxKDX idea that this is funny. (Not funny Ha, Ha if you get Knox's meaning)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Skipro3, I understand that - I looked at the profile too, but also remember Jeff used to post under KDXDoc & quite possibly has forgotten his log on. Let's not turn this into a pissing contest. (btw, I didn't think he meant funny haha lol) Oh, I figured out your nickname too - I'd always read it as Skip ro3, not ski pro3 ;)

Anyways, can we find Jeff bikes?


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Hi Michelle!
Nice to meet you. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was mad or anything that caused you to think I was looking for a "pissing contest"? Ha! I bet I can piss farther than you, what do you say? Here in California, at least at the ski resort I work at, Instructors are called ski pros. Like golf instructors are called golf pros. The 3 stands for my PSIA certification.

And Jeff, good luck getting a bike for Brazil.
P.S. I just checked my saved e-mails from Jeff. That post at the top here is him, I'm sure. He has awful spelling and doesn't use caps.
Last edited:


Jan 29, 2003
Well...actually funny, haha and funny peculiar. I grew up wanting to be Jeff Fredette, so not dis'ing the guy in any way...but honestly, who is going to loan their bike out to go to the ISDE without some incentive like... Let me borrow your bike and it'll come back in a custom KX frame, etc... (j/k). But it's unbelievable that this guy is JF and forgot his logon, etc, needs 3 of our bikes b/c he can't get them at a dealer, would accept someone elses bike to race having not known the history of it, yada yada yada... IE, FUNNY POST.


Oct 11, 2002
Well... if I had the opportunity to let JF hop up, tune and borrow my bike I would jump at it. Good luck in finding a bike(s) Jeff :)


Aug 6, 2003
ok ok. i know i do not type great put i can atleast ride. thats about all i can do. the fact behind the bike search is not that i do not have a bike. i am preping out a brand new 1 right now. what i am looking for is to really find some brazilian contact that would like to borrow, rent, or like i said steal one, with the last resort to buy myself a bike (hopefully new one). as for the quantity of up to 3 bikes, there are actually 2 others from the states that will be riding them. as for the incentive, i would be bringing down all the parts to convert the bike/bikes to our specs and then leave the parts with the bike to have a well prepped bike. and i'm sorry about the spelling and also sorry about the new id. as i could not get the old kdxdoc to work with the code i had something to do with yahoooo. anyway i hope i have answered all the q's thanks, jeff fredette


Oct 14, 1999
I tried a search for kdxdoc cuz I knew that (at least) used to be mr. fredette's nick. Got nada.

But, to tell the truth, the format and nature of the first post had me thinking he just signed up under a new nick.

Anyway....jaguar is in brazil, isn't he? South america somewheres...seems it's brazil.

Send him a PM....maybe he knows of a few.
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