Marcus's latest RM tuning specs!!!


Nov 5, 2001
So after a couple of days riding on the legnedary 04RM125, i could tell there was a small area lacking in that "perfect" powerband- all it needed was a slight pipe mod that i was more than happy to help with, you can see it in the picture, and i think not only does it help all the way up to peak power, but it also makes the bike look nice also! :)

after 2 days of fun riding, i think the best come back was something like: Marcus: "Bruce, i could hear you revving the bike and it was making me cringe"...........Bruce: "Cringe???? should wait till you see me racing!!!!!"

PS-Stevie: i didnt need to bonk him on the head, the sight of a KXF falling from the sky like a lead ballon with the engine on the limiter was all that was needed! :thumb:


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Apr 9, 2002
ononewheel said:
I cant see what you have changed, sorry pic isnt clear.

I think Bruce is referring to the "custom" dents he added to Marcus' pipe. Bruce is Marcus helping you with travel costs to go all that way to sort out his tuning issues? :p


Nov 5, 2001
ononewheel said:
I cant see what you have changed, sorry pic isnt clear.

look at the pipe! :thumb:

as for the gearboxes, ive got the 02, its had a lot of hammer and its an excellent box.


Jun 7, 2003
Bruce, how does your 144 compare to marcuses perfectly tuned bike power wise?
I mean Before you modified it for him lol.


Nov 5, 2001
elf said:
Bruce, how does your 144 compare to marcuses perfectly tuned bike power wise?
I mean Before you modified it for him lol.

they are both different and both good engines- i have little experience and i thought marcus's bike would rev higher on top, but in hindsight the 144 still revs OK.

that said, its too hard to compare- it seems i ride in a too low a gear, but then the track i race at the most has no flat straights, they are all up hills- the 04 definately had plenty of "pull".

FWIW- i have to rebuild the crank on my 02, and Eric has the kit to convert to the long rod so we will see how it works out, they made quite soome more power from 03 to 04, was it the rod, the KTM style oval port with the subs or just the combo? probably the combo, i bet the 04 144 would be a nice ride, especially with the use of the DYNO to try all the combos- seems thats the most important thing.


Jan 9, 2000
elf to try to help describe the 04 rm-it is very different to a 144 but its hard to explain how-i had a 03 KX133 and rode steve125s KX144 and CR139 but the 04rm125 is different to them all-it has the power but it doesnt quite have the depth of power of the big bores, the KX133 only has a tiny bit more roll on power-after that the rm will kill it.Th cr139 is the closest match-that has good top and mid but little bottom in comparison to the mid and top.Thats how the rm is, the KX144 just has lots of torque that will pull harder into the mid and top and so makes the power wider.The rm will shriek to higher revs than all of them but its not the best way to ride a bike.

Basically the rm is a very fast 125 but its not a 144 beater.It lacks the roll on power only a 144 has.

BTW me and bruce fitted a 36mm carb while we were trying stuff-this looses 1hp from the top and puts it at the bottom and i was much happier with it-37hp engines are good but only if you can ride above 8K all the time.

Bruce rev higher??? LOL i needed ear plugs as it was :yikes: seriously only a shifter cart revs more.


Jun 7, 2003
I heard that some of the AX guys were running 36s on there bikes for better low end, so I guess it works. Marcus its to bad you cant ride my 144, I would like to see how it would compare to the rest of those bikes. btw I already know what you think of the suspension LOL.


Jan 9, 2000
elf we made a ktm 144 in 2000-it was a bit of a beast:) it had lots of low and mid but it wasnt setup to rev that well.It also vibrated a fair amount :(


Nov 5, 2001
marcusgunby said:
Bruce rev higher??? LOL i needed ear plugs as it was :yikes: seriously only a shifter cart revs more.

LOL, like i said, you should see me racing, thats a whole other experience! :eek:

the only thing missing on MGs RM is the pull out of the tight corner, i found myself running 1st- but then this is not the way to ride a 125 and is the reason why i do so bad on mine, its all about momentum and not relying on the pull in the first place.
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