
Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I know that I'll get chewed out by Admin for this but...

It just had to happen Wolf's son is very sick and they had to cancell plans for going to the Minneapolis SX this weekend. Wolf has 2 seats strategically located between me and chili that we hate to see go to waste (or for Wolf to eat the whole cost :uh: ). This is your chance to meet a couple of DRNers (what a thrill :laugh: ) including Lazyboy, thekid, zoomer and family.
If you are thinking about going let us know and make any reasonable offer
Seats are Sec 132 row 14 (normally $35 tickets)
If you want them call me on my cell 262-844-6431.
I will be leaving for the race this morning but will have the phone with me
Wolf also cancelled his room at the roseville super 8 but if you want I think we may be able to get it back (we can try)

First come first served :thumb:

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