Missing the down slope of the jump..help !


Oct 22, 2001
Hi guys
I ride on an easy supercross style track and found it difficult to direct the bike to land on the down slope of the table jump.
On this track , most of the jumps are simple table jumps (45-55 f) that throw you high in the air, the table is flat and lower then the taking off ramp , the down slope is short (6-7 f) and it’s easy to miss .
If I jump it short I will land hard and most of the time the bike will bounce over the down slope.
If I over jump I will definitely going to crush, (landing from 18~20 f high to flat ground without enough forward speed) .
Landing on the down slope is smooth and clean, but usually I afraid to over jump and that lead to short jumping and hard landing.
Any one can help on this issue.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I was doing something very similar on a similarly sized tabletop until a friend enlightened me with a simple fact: Landing flat at the end of the tabletop requires the same launch as landing smoothly on the downslope with the front end down. I was jumping it perfectly, but worrying about a hard landing and pulling up on the front of the bike...causing my back tire to lower and making me land 7 or 8 feet sooner.

For me, it was simply a matter of getting the front end down and *keeping* it down until I landed.

Good luck with it and let us know what (if anything) helped.


Mar 17, 2002
shove your front end into the face of the jump you will not get as much air but if you over clear it the landing wont be as hard


Oct 22, 2001
Thanks guys
O.K, I mange to clear 3 jumps and lending smooth, ther is one with very short down sloop and I still can't clear it , except one time but I was going to fast when lending so I sweep out the corner.
Thanks Gomer , I am using the rear break to lower my front end and I am getting better every time (PRACTICE) :aj:

motoman542: What you mean by "shove your front end into the face of the jump " ?,face of the jump = the take off ramp ??

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