Motor rebuild advise/opionions needed


Dec 21, 2003
Hi, and thanks for taking the time to read and reply.
A friend of mine just bought a 2002 honda cr250 that had been sitting for about a year. He rode it in the sand for a couple of hours. We looked at the plug and it was starting to cake with some hard coating (fine sand) I looked at the air filter and it was dry. After removing the air filter we could see where some fine stuff was getting through. He was planning on a new top end anyway so that is in the works now.
My question is: Should we try to flush out the bottom end while we have the top off, and what should we use, gas mixed with oil? Also if we flush out the bottom end really good, what is the best way to get oil back on the crank bearings?
Thanks again for your time, this forum has been a really big help to me! As I try to do everything myself,


Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
If he was getting sand down into the engine it would be a good idea to pull it all the way down. Once it is apart check the crank and lower rod bearings,but they should be replaced anyways. It could be more expensive later to have to possibly replace the crank and rod among other things.



Sep 6, 2003
If your bike was an old beater I might say 'just flush it out'... but with it being a '02 it is probably worth making sure everything is perfect.... 'a stich in time' and all that..
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