P.S. The dirty pics are there because someone asked if I ever rode it after I posted the pics up. I just happened to go out that next day. It was raining outside when I took that clean pics. I've got a half a role of film on the from the trail that I'm waiting to finish. I leave a disposable camara in my fanny pack. I will have to update my site when I get them back.
[mexican accent on] I don't need no stiinking kick starter! [mexican accent off]
Thanks guys, I like to keep a clean bike.
Have I taken it out yet? You bet. I've riddent the snot out of it since I got it. It's the easiest to ride bike I have ever had. Not to mention easiest to start.;) Fourstroke torque is nice! It would be nice if it could go on a diet and lose about 40 lbs, but hey, you can't have everything. At least not until 2005.
BigLou, you'll definately get to see it at Dirtweek. I just made our company reschedule software training that we have been trying to get for 2 years, because I'm NOT MISSING Dirtweek. Also made the company reschedule a trip to Texas because of Dirtweek. I'm taking days off without pay and missing two days of classes for Dirtweek. I WILL be there!
Cal-You'd be surprised at how much of a difference the mods you have already made will make to the weight and feel of that bike. When I put mine back to stock to sell it I could not believe how much heavier it felt just to push it upright off the kickstand. I did have the kickstand removed, too. Just get one of those "kick-up" stands and use a tie-down as a leash when you're at the riding area. That'll shave another pound or two. Beyond that and what you have already done, I don't think there's much else us mere mortals can do without spending cubic dollars!
She's got a nice set of legs on her.;)
Look forward to seein her at Dirtweek.
I'd be willing to swap rides for a moment with someone with a YZ250F (Okie or Julius) at Dirtweek. I've been dieing to try one out, but everyone around here has 426's.
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