If there was an old guy trophie, would OldGuy's picture be on it?:confused:
An Idea for splitting the large C class might be.....
C, legiteimete, card carrying, raced before C rider
SP, authentic self proclamed spode
BTW,this would do very little for me as I came in around 14th in the C Main :think
Originally posted by WaltCMoto An Idea for splitting the large C class might be.....
C, legiteimete, card carrying, raced before C rider
SP, authentic self proclamed spode
Man that would be cruel after all we want them to take thier trophys home without scaring the kids.:eek:
But on another level an OLDGUY class- I would win as the only one allowed to enter:)
"If your spodely and you know it clap your hands" :)
Maybe next year we could have a class for "40+ who have never raced, only roll the jumps and are lucky to stay on two wheels" That should get me into the main! :cool:
I get a bit nervous with full gates such as the C class...even with good intentions, it's pretty easy to have a pileup. If for no other reason, that's why I decided I would rather be with only 8 other riders (most of which were dirtweek pals/aquaintances anyway).
I didn't have a clue how the light worked, so I just stared at the gate until it dropped. Actually I think I kept staring at it for awhile, then took off.:think