My helmet saved my life

Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
Yes as I sit here in pain I'd just wanted to write about my near death experience yesterday...

My friend just got a VERY FAST '96 Banshee ( Trinity motor, pipes, etc ) that I was riding ( my first time on a Banshee ) and some guy asked me if I wanted to run it against his '00 stock bnahsee so I'd figured this was gonna be a peice of cake. At first I was put' puttin' around with no helmet cause the **** wasn't running good at all ( right cyl. was out ). I got it fix and then that's when the guy asked if I wanted to race him. I said sure but let me get my HELMET first. We started racing, he pulled infront of me cause he was the one to say go and I caught right up to him and pasted him 4th gear tapped going about 60MPH but then I hit a small bump which threw me up off the seat but I was still able to hang on but then I hit another bump which almost threw me over the handlebars but I held on the bars real good and then next I hit another bump which made the **** turn right and people told me I flew in the air hitting my head first then doing a cartwheel in the air landing right on my ass and then doin about 3 rolls. The a**hole that wanted to race me just kept on riding not even caring if I was ok or not. At first I knew I was hurt really bad but then I sorta lost feeling and just laid on the ground crying and then all my riding buddies, my dad, and other riders there rushed over to see if I was ok. At that point I had a concusion, vision was messed up and I couldn't hear and my eyes were cross eyed. After laying for about 5 minutes I got up and walked away back to were we were all hanging out and then I had another concusion standing there so that's when my dad took me to the hospital. Found out I had suffered minor concusions, swollen left hip all the way to my left ass cheek, some rode rash on my left arm, and a big headache. The doctors including people riding said If I wasn't wearing my helmet I would have been dead definetly and I only broke my visor bolts. :) Right now I can't walk but I should be able to get up and ride next weekend!
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Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
Yes my helmet is retired I am gonna get me a nice new purty red helmet now! :) Well I don't think this will ever keep me off any q-u-a-d cause I have to admit even tho I love dirtbikes and rather have one then a q-u-a-d they can me fun at certain times. Well day 2 I wake up only to find my whole body in pain! took my pain pills went to sleep and got right to work on my bike! ( tearing topend off ). :)
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