My time has come...


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
On wednesday after I spent an hour setting up my VCR to record the Steel City race, I decided to go ride at Oakhill. After about 4 hours of riding I decided to do the tame triple. I knew I could do it because I had only come up 4 feet short before on my previous attempts and now my bike was fixed and I was confident I could get enough speed. Well, I did it, only to come down the landing hit a soft spot right after the landing and go flying over my bars, would have been a normal get-off if my foot hadn't got stuck under the rear brake as I was going air born over the bars, so my foot stayed and I flew. From what I hear I flipped over with the bike and then dismounted completely leaving me about 15 feet from my bike. I couldn't move my leg. A few riders tried to help me up, but I told them I wanted to lay there for a while. My mom decided that going to school was more important than going to the Dr. so after driving 2 hours with my left foot I had to walk around school all night with a messed up foot and wait to see the dr. the next day. :silly: After seeing the Dr. yesterday, I found out my foot isn't broken, but I did tear my muscles in my foot. I have to wear this stupid walking boot for at least 6 weeks, and then return to the Dr. I call this boot my trophey for clearing the triple. I also had to drop out of the Pro Circuit Series, which the last 3 tracks were my favorite ones and I was looking forward to these races for months. So you know I return home rewind the vcr tape to sit down with my foot propped up anxiously waiting to watch the Steel City race which I have been dying to see for what a month now only to find out my VCR didn't record it. :silly: So if anyone has this on tape and wouldn't mind copying it and sending it to me, I will send you some money for the tape and postage. I really want to see that race. Guess I should have stayed home and watched it, instead of going riding, but the itch was too strong. Now I have at least six weeks before I can go jump the triple again.... At least I can sit on my bike, marvel at its beauty, refine her and count the days until I can put on my helmet start her engine and hear that exquisite purr that I already long to hear.


Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
Get well soon

I'm sorry to hear about your mishap. I hope that you aren't in too much pain. Take care of your self and be careful out there. As for the race video, I don't have a VCR other wise I would have recorded it and been happy to send you a copy if I had one. Hopefully someone will come through for you.
Once again, get well and be careful. :D

00' KDX 200
Procircuit pipe & silencer
95' XR 250R (first bike)


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
bad luck :(
get well soon, in the meantime invest in some good moto videos to keep your mind fresh ;)


Nov 4, 2000
They re-played Steel City at 1 am FRi.

But, I did not tape it - sorry:( . I had already seen the highlights on motoworld, anyhow. Sorry to hear about hte torn muscle - could be worse?

I do have an extra plastic "bootie", though, so I know how all that feels. Good luck with a speedy recovery and doing the Triple in style in future.:)


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000

I thought you were gonna say that you had to quit riding. Glad it's just an injury.

I have the race on video--unless I taped a nakie movie over it. Send me your address, and I'll send it to you for free. You ARE a girl, right? (If you're a guy, it's gonna cost ya.) ;)

E-mail me at and I'll hook you up.


Aug 20, 2000
Hey Blackhawk....sorry to hear about the'll be riding in about 4 weeks.....atleast its not broken ......and if it makes you any happier.....I have the steel city moto's on tape ....and I'm in addison lemme know


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Hang in there kid!
Glad to hear it wasn't broken. You will be back in action before you know it.
This was our oldest son's first year of biking(13 yrs old). He had progressed very well on his yz125 and had started jumping. One day he just had to outdo me on this very large jump from the dam of a dry pond. He was out of position on a landing and ended up on the ground, when the bike's back wheel ran over his ankle and SNAP. Broken clean, both bones. As he lay there on the ground he swore he would never touch dirt bikes again...that lasted about 12 hours. He's healed and can't wait to ride again.

Get well soon!


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
My foot is already feeling better. Took off the boot today to get in the shower, and tried to move it a little. I can move it a little to the left now about half of what I normally can do, and a week ago, I had no motion at all. I can move it small bit to the right, so something is healing up. I'm excited, and I can't wait to get this boot off. I think I will be on the bike in 2 weeks. We'll see though, don't want to get back on before its ready.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
yea definitely don't push it, give it time to heal.
when I hurt my knee a long time ago after about 4 weeks the docs told me I could start some easy rehab on it, well I tried to go a bit too fast and felt something give, turns out I didn't hurt anything but it made me slow back down. Good luck on the recovery.
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